Manzanar Free Press, Volume 5 #21-25

Volume 5 #21: March 11, 1944

Page 1: Writer discusses aspects of racial persecution; Washington office authorizes enlargement of farm program; jobs for evacuees available in east; WRA probe made on hiring of Nisei help; Heath leaves for capitol to expedite clearances; election designates board of directors; 'puka puka' outfit surprises Nazi foes; Kuroki almost fails to make broadcast; draft head refutes service brance bar; Nisei defuses mines.

Page 2: Editorial; 'sky's limit' given as express slogan; San Diegoan evicted on Tanaka's charge; new ruling hinders furlough contracts.

Page 3: Madison Japanese Americans get favorable reception; From Other Centers; Letters from the public; first Nisei pastor honored in Chicago; pay checks here.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #22: March 15, 1944

Page 1: Block managers organize permanent committees; managers reject Granada meet; MacNair obtains 22 more vehicles for center use; PTA heads assure relocation support; USC students favor loyal Nisei' return; 'spring dance' due.

Salt Lake City.

Rumor about Pearl Harbor activities.

Page 2: Editorials; inter Y council; letters from the public; Japanese Americans are loyal-Sandburg; to house Nazis in Santa Anita; Matrons plan meet; steps adopted for Nisei establishment.

Page 3: As They Come and Go; Bodine to arrive here; opposition seen against deportation; poem; Mills named assistant director; appoint Stingley as hospital executive.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #23: March 18, 1944

Page 1: Spanish embassy corrects misleading draft letter; Red Cross drive in Manzanar delayed; Bodine to arrive here tomorrow; colony splits over Japanese problem; pioneers celebrate 2nd anniversary; 38 young men take special Army test; Chinese Nisei hits racial persecution; PTA may hold rally; remind residents to return pop bottles.

Page 2: Editorial; As They Come and Go; more jobs open in Kansas for Nisei; apprenticeship; new books arrive.

Violating sedition act.

Page 3: Fifth Column; A Year Ago This Week; pineapples rival 'pin-up' beauties; Nisei doctor heads Red Cross campaign; instructor leaves for Cedar Rapids; seek PBX operator; fire chief cautions residents on fires.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #24: March 22, 1944

Page 1: Authorities understand the views of Nisei-Merritt; Nisei officer lauds battalion; reveal one-fifth of evacuees relocated; mark probe of WRA as 'painful parody'; new food-service procedures clarified; Myer upholds relocation policies; Tulean sentenced (theft); Kuroki thats Maw for upholding rights; reveal liquidation of Sumitomo bank; New York group assails Dies report.

Page 2: Editorial; A Year Ago This Week; letters from the public; poem; home talent slated; Nisel lectures to high school group.

Page 3: From Other Centers; vital statistics; seek six teachers for nursery school; dog chases dog to save helpless cat; solving of minority problems requested; more men sought by metal refiners; Hauta club to meet; shoe ration stamps still available here.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #25: March 25, 1944

Page 1: Merritt emphasizes cooperation on local relocation program; resolution gets good results; 'America' series to begin; managers, Saks to discuss property; co-op lists return on weekly movies; reinstitute draft for Hawaiian Nisei'; bishop leaves after brief visit here; indict three Tuleans on radio violation; Richardson arrives from Poston center; released for Army; eligibles heard by special Tule board; 400 Topaz youths await service call; dentist joins WAC.

Page 2: Editorial; postal rates; tell minor damages of education blaze; slate thrift exhibit next week; panel discussions cont.

Page 3: To train Nisei for nurse corps; From Other Centers; Nisei find new haven at hostel in Minneapolis; Germans hold Nisei; Bodine tells of student funds.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5, 6: In Japanese.

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