Manzanar Free Press, Volume 5 #31-35

Volume 5 #31: April 15, 1944

Page 1: Give answers to seasonal leave, draft questions; await housing for garage equipment; draft pool split in three groups; two return from Amache cooperative conference; comments differ on panel meeting of voting issue; relocation may aid return to coast; battle-cry written for Nisei soldiers; Nisei soldier gets two German tanks; Doctor Muramoto to leave center.

Three youths arrested.

Page 2: Editorial; As They Come and Go; university students combat prejudices; From Other Centers; draft answers cont; Issei resettlement urged by relocatee; tell labor shortage.

Page 3: Fifth Column; co-op money order rate unchanged; two Tuleans obtain leave clearance; dietician lauded as 'mother' of block 8.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #32: April 19, 1944

Page 1: Delayed draft list arrives; Ickes hits coast attitude; relocation officials to meet in Chicago; co-op congress to meet.

Page 2: To observe public school week; lift shipment limitations; Chicago brethern's hostel to close.

Farmer has to let Nisei go.

Page 3: May extend picnic hours; New York co-op buyer here; music instructor hurt in auto accident; Dies investigates Japanese finances.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #33: April 22, 1944

Page 1: WFA recruiter to sign 500 laborers for Idaho; elementary school plans pageant here; Nisei captain visits President's wife; police chief warns against stray dogs; selective service; talented Nisei gives public dance recital; social security board agencies give assistance to resettlers; activities division co-op tells finances; hypocrites hit by professor Smith; stove causes fire; Chief Hon issues phone instructions; policeman pantless; museum to display educational exhibit; to draft Tule men; postpone discussion set for next week; laud Nisei workers.

Trading with the enemy.

Page 2: Editorials; wins poem contest; three Nisei soldiers in western hospital; social security cont.

Page 3: As They Come and Go; 100 parents witness pre-school rally; sign new Evergreen Cemetery contract; limit shoe repair.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #34: April 26, 1944

Page 1: Army doctors to begin examinations here today; announce re-opening of shipping to Nisei; instructions ban private enterprises; Nisei expatriates object to draft; 32 residents leave on seasonal; local 319th MP company replaced; Gila to receive 2000 Densonites; Indiana war plant now open to Nisei.

Page 2: Parental influence; letters from the public; 784 parents join Manzanar PTA; our pleasures.v

Page 3: Yonai wins beauty laurels; helper needed; Manzanar High plans open house; Honwangi Temple seeks claimants; outdoor movie receipts revealed; arrest man for making sake; four auditors arrive here; two residents under arrest (building a cellar).

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #35: April 29, 1944

Page 1: Ickes impressed by Western sentiment; panel series date shifted one week; transfer into enlisted reserve corps explained; donation received; permit needed for gathering over 50; Iowa soldiers proud to fight alongside Nisei; tell how Hawaiians are Americanized; Nisei doctor relates life in Army camp; help wanted here; idle lands produce food for centers; test case certified to Supreme Court; west coast return backed by Fortune; clergymen deplore Warren county act; seek 2500 workers; clearances speeded; weather conditons delay farm crops; milk time issued.

Page 2: For Nisei voters; dress department donates to cause; Dies flays WRA act as 'menace' to U.S.; letters from the public; variety show given Camp Shelby boys; Gila men visit here; seek stenographers; Ohio governor defends rights of Nisei; index file explained; house ok's guayule; arrest nine Kibei; father Viti slated to lecture here.

Page 3: As I Was Saying; forget race origin at training school; former Manzinite sergeant in Army; Glenn Miller makes comments on Nisei; As They Come and Go.


Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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