Manazanar Free Press, #26-30

Vol. 1 #26: June 20, 1942

Page 1: Activity school established; health dept. pronounces net project safe; census under way; June advances paid; bank to open; workers note!; business soars; Christians to meet.

Page 2: Church schedule; editorials; residents to vote for heads; are you a fugitive? (people who have not gotten their typhoid inoculations); service offered; paper's staff.

Page 3: P.O. notes; 'beet field savior' writes; activities; hard times ball; books to be circulated.

Page 4: From Other Centers column; oil distribution; Of People column; lost & found; classrooms set; with the women; shakuhachi lessons.

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #26: Supplement (with a date of June 18, 1942)

Page 1: WRA to conduct census; picnics in offing; over half of employable persons on projects.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #27: June 23, 1942

Page 1: New leaders for four blocks officially announced; WRA head changes, Eisenhower moves to a different position; no work order, no pay; local WRA officials leave to investigate conditions in the beet fields; net project moves full speed ahead; U, S, P still basis of ratings; Issei men's literary group to meet; baker wanted; WRA pays $15, 525 to date.

Page 2: Dots and Dashes column; editorials; new traffic laws effective yesterday; new arrivals during weekend; baby born.

Page 3: Privacy and comfort; 'fireworks' for Fourth of July; Young People's Union organized; go to nearest info for bulbs and fuses; fountain and flowers for new ad building; new hospital ready for occupation soon.

Page 4: From Other Centers column; rehearsals for dance festival; hostess club for visitors and arrivals; fire fighters have 'hard times ball.'

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #28, June 25, 1942

Page 1: Trip enjoyable as well as informative; daily total of nets manufactured increases; center officials return from visit to beet fields; moving permits necessary before changing homes.

Page 2: Editorials; legal aide society formed; sports.

Page 3: Children's home opens as 41 Angelinos arrive; Rehashing the News column; Dr. G. Carter leaves to enlist teachers; school registration; activities schedule.

Page 4: Here They Are column (information about particular residents); from the police blotter column; maybe this is why you haven't received your parcel; need people with acting talent; what goes on?

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #29, June 27, 1942

Page 1: Executive council named to head local government; net workers bid residents to 'open house'; Manzanar youths to register; volunteers paid March wages; rating set for net factory; Sunday papers; don't take linoleum.

Page 2: Introducing Ned Campbell; church schedule; new books arrive; drivers are not to drive over fire hoses; sewage disposal; junior musicians; Wing Nuts elect.

Page 3: Time extension for books granted; evening under the stars; plant Joshua tree in garden; Boy Scout schedule changes; ballet classes; lost article; opera slated; roving reporter weaves through nets to gather opinions.

Page 4: Varied art classes offered; for men only; of people column; voice instruction; platter chatter; sports.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #30, June 30, 1942

Page 1: New record set by five man crew at net project; Manzanar youth answers fifth registration call; future wages to be in cash or checks; regular confabs between officials and residents; workers may file WCCA wage claims; educator to return tomorrow morning.

Page 2: Former camp manager visits old haunts; letters; from other centers column; WRA photographer visits center; Guayule experiment success; educators visit and leave books.

Page 3: Fourth of July a la Manzanar; project attorney named for center; Sierra Sues club; honest men not all dead; superintendents for children's village; residents hear missionary's talk; opera postponed; talent wanted for extravaganza; vaccine here for whopping cough; store brings more visitors; activity school opens.

Page 4: Landscaper designs unique desert garden; need for Issei participation; post office and COD packages; sewing workers busy on orders; social review; new circulating library opens.

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8, 9: In Japanese.

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