Manzanar Free Press, Volume 6 #61-65

Volume 6 #61: January 20, 1945

Page 1: Myer explains necessary procedure in obtaining grants; discuss Nisei return to student classroom; eight residents leave center for induction at Fort Douglas; donate $487.79 for Korematsu case; Yasuda to address Jr. Matrons group; speaking class open for more students; OPA clarifies stand on eviction orders; 15,000 war jobs seen for Nisei on coast return; honor project director Merritt at second anniversary banquet; on exclusion orders; discharged veteran found dead at Gila (suicide); encourage evacuees to eastern states.


Another article.

Page 2: True American Act; many Manzanites now in Madison; United Nations Facts illustration; folk dancing socials.

Page 3: Dr. Taylor address group on racial problems; former Manzanite returns to coast; cadet nurse visits parents; reveals closing of local libraries soon; CIO reveals stand on Japanese return; obtain employment in west coast city.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #62: January 24, 1945

Page 1: Hundreds pay final respects to Mrs. Alch at memorial service; elect Sakamoto student body president; board reverses stand; sports; ask help of residents in PTA book drive; co-op issues refunds.

Page 2: Major Bowron greets Nisei; work offers received for city of Chicago; to present classical music Friday evening; seek domestic workers in Freeport, Illinois; distribute rebates to various blocks.

Boycott planned.

Page 3: Memorial services cont; favorable reception reported in Portland; Manzanar girl attend Parsons College; girl resident returns to near Los Angeles area to make plans for resuming farming (I couldn't read the actual article title; it didn't print right. )

Pages 4-7: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #63: January 27, 1945

Page 1: Farm security aide available for evacuees meeting qualifications; honored at New Year party; adult activity hall opens daily for public inspection; Hutchinson asks aid of residents in infantile paralysis campaign; agencies to permit Japanese fishermen to operate vessels; plan inter-exchange; feature Nisei in Boston Sunday Post; Osato among guests at Allied relief ball in east; Fresno reception reported friendly; police protect Nisei.

Another American Legion post.

Page 2: Editorial; FSA aid; United Nations Facts illustration; former resident receives high honors.

Tries to stop Nisei fishermen.

Page 3: Hood River post still receives letters; house considers bill to close all centers by June 30; editorial cont; Nisei offers two farm jobs in Texas; requiem mass held for Sister Mariana; Rev. Burnett speaks at morning services.

Two articles on Hood River.

Page 4: Private first class Higa writes project director; sports; release regulations on parcel mailing to war prisoners; overseas Nisei informed of news; kindergartens close; relocation receives offers on property; story tells of Nisei.

Deportation attempt.

Pages 5-10: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #64: January 31, 1945

Page 1: Adult English activity hall holds open house; explain requirements for Social Security benefits; ask victory gardeners pay membership dues; Nisei assured of warm welcome to university.

Three Japanese are shot.

Page 2: Editorial; CACA-Adult Education sponsor movie Friday; Negro leaders desire amicable settlement; change air mail rates; offer 40 acre ranch for sale in Fresno to Nisei ranchers; Heart Mountain center wins fire-week award; to hold dance tonight.

Pages 3-6: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #65: Feb. 3, 1945

Page 1: Cupid's ball; Carter tells closing of all Manzanar schools in May; Bishop high school students petition game cancellation; new opening hours of auditorium for weekly movies; March of Dimes campaign extended; magazine tells work of Nisei engineers on Italian front; Izume wins 'wings and boots'; broadcast Kuroki experiences on air; Nisei soldiers aid in coal deliveries; children eligible for relocation without escort of relatives; stringent rationing seen despite available food supplies in 1945.

Page 2: Reputation at stake; New York calling; cartoon; Wyoming residents distribute garments to French refugees; plans underway for property removal; open auditorium for volleyball, etc.; entertain Nisei GI's at Astor hotel.

Letter about prejudice barber.

Page 3: Mahoney trouble for anti-evacuee group; Dr. Smith unable to speak; hold special prayer; Sgt. Kuroki cont.; seek domestic help; former resident placed with firm in New Jersey; Los Angeles firm needs clerical help; raffle drawing; appointed staff invite valley residents to party; slate two parties.

Two articles.

Against Nisei colored veterans.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: Japanese and translation section.

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