Manzanar Free Press, Volume 6 #76-80

Volume 6 #76: March 14, 1945

Page 1: Parolees ineligible for induction into relocation camps; co-op congress elects new board of directors; Spanish representative to arrive here Friday; consider nine thousand menace to war effort; fire damages $1000 of evacuee belongings; March 15 deadline for filing income taxes.

Page 2: Basis of evacuation strictly racial; editorial; Red Cross in China distributes cigarettes; new ruling cont.

Two articles.

Page 3: Vital statistics; discharged Nisei recovering after suicide attempt; offer year-round work plus housing at Mesa; receive offers in construction field; leaves; use of Nisei at Tooele 'success'; pictorial pamphlet distributed to centers.

Pages 4-7: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #77: March 17, 1945

Newspaper format.

Page 1: Public charges five years after entry subject to deportation; ask fire department to put out fires; offer $50 in CACA oratorical contest; Nisei veteran meets sister for first time in 15 years; 442nd receives plaque from lost battalion; project attorney's office to aid Nisei collect unpaid accounts; Capt. Letts arrives to recruit workers for Seabrook firm; leaves; sixth department established by CACA congress.

Red Cross ad.

Page 2: New York calling; a responsibility.

Page 3: Manzanar high school news; assistance cont; golf tournament to open Sunday; Sgt. Kuroki's story heard over radio; unpaid accounts cont; date up now for Modernaires dance; letters from the public; baby boy born to former resident; Red Cross at work.'

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #78: March 21, 1945

Page 1: Fire department issues rules and regulations on center fire hazards; Manzanar Red Cross unit commences annual drive; project attorney gets facts on alien permits; Town Hall announces change of members; 171st Infantry battalion (Nisei) dissolved.

Page 2: Red Cross drive cont; editorial; Bovenkirks establish in Zeeland, Michigan; get domestic offers from Orange County military personnel.

Page 3: Son of center resident with 100th battalion; Japanese participate in celebration of USO birthday at Seabrook; tell of opportunities in southern California; new pamphlet to aid resettlers distributed; 125 Tule residents move in fourth quarter.

Pages 4-8: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #79: March 24, 1945

Newspaper format.

Page 1: Nisei eligible for defense work in San Francisco war industries; civil service exams slated; full name of sender needed for parcels to war internees; information needed on property left on Terminal Island; Manzanar boys aid Nisei outfit; Legion services honor Nisei veteran of first World War; Junior Red Cross members help in local drive; war department issues ruling on dependency act; alien land law ruling released; Nisei aids Wisconsin college in cage win; education office reveals schedule of English classes; citizens permitted use of cameras; Mrs. Wood, family, leave for Tule.

Page 2: Former resident establishes plastics company in New York; New York Calling; add two to CACA board; writes Palo Alto school for honoring Nisei soldier; favorable reception reported by resident and local photographer; benefits cont.

A Red Cross illustration.

Page 3: Aspirin pills; Legion captain supports Nisei; Burney Wilson cont; Farley shocked by statement by Franscotti; WRA officials take inventory; urge Nisei to carry birth certificates; resident's photo; Shippey comments on treatment of evacuees in center; Rev. Noble visits Manzanar church; claim lost articles at police station; Venice, Brentwood people friendly.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #80: March 28, 1945

Page 1: Duplication alien registration cards available; evacuees eligible for 'survivors insurance'; cease further family reunions at Crystal City camp; CACA dance program slated; Buddhist hostel opens in Lost Angeles area; 'step lively' slated here; government to reject pleas of evacuees' (wanted centers to stay open longer).

Page 2: Pfc. Harata fights with medics; Comedian Joe E. Brown asks fair play for Nisei; mixing best in making American citizens; crystal city cont.

Page 3: Pfc. Ogura fights with 442nd infantry group; Pegler hits political appointees; New York USO plays host to Nisei GI's; aids disaster victims; issue Ohio pamphlets; recruit teachers here; Multonamah county bar to protect loyal Nisei.

Pages 4-7: Japanese and translation section.

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