Manazanar Free Press, #31-36

Vol. 1 #31: July 2, 1942

Page 1: Last call for draft sign-up; new system for payroll in effect here; block leaders' council takes up new duties; Saturday's hours to be observed; workers injured; guayule open house; drum majorette; new counselor to arrive.

Page 2: To the editor; Briefs column; kiddies arrive from Bay City; unique 'profs' for activity school.

Page 3: Two-day celebration set for 4th; stove doors taken; school to open; brush fire draws crowds; post office notes; arm bands; items missing from mess halls.

Page 4: A sure cure for gnats; Scorpion's Sting column; 'bum's roost' site for feed; clubs; new garage head; tips for milady; ah, solitude.

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #32: July 4, 1942

Page 1: Manzanar celebrates fourth; Campbell returns from S.F. trip; message from project director; meal hours changed; new studio opened.

Terminal Island property is condemned, then taken over.

Page 2: Editorial; block office; News Briefs column; church services; music hour; report address.

Page 3: Girls' sports; fire force lauded; report diarrhea cases to doctor; on the trail; pertussis shots; harvest time near for local farms.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #33: July 7, 1942

Page 1: Housing improvements to go full speed ahead; evacuees to be moved directly to relocation centers; reunion of immediate family only, official regulation; lost & found at town hall; legal records dept. in new location; watermelon for net workers on hot days.

Page 2: Education program on consumer cooperatives; new ruling regarding visitors here; new complaint offices opened; wages collectable, says labor deputy; more roving space and more picnic sites.

Page 3: Briefs; construction of pool postponed; picnics, games, dances, beauty contest feature fourth of July; cooks return from Idaho beet fields; toys and books donated to kiddies; new housing rules from page 1; new reservoir for center completed.

Page 4: Children's village; socials in the offing; don't pick fruits; school marms & masters; planning a lawn?; models wanted.

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Page 7. I don't know why this is being done, or how long it will continue. Japanese sections in the paper have almost always had an English listing of the article but now, for some reason, full translations have to be done.

Page 8: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #34: July 7, 1942

Page 1: Immediate action urged for repatriation; payment of $15,000 in June wages; fifteen block leaders open offices; men's clothing distributed to first arrivals; Friend's service committee confer to speed work on student relocation; gas tank explosion hurts M.P.

Page 2: Lawn seeds available; books for Emerson students in library; open forum featuring Facism discussion; June Payroll, from page 1; keep garbage cans dry; student relocation, from page 1.

Citizenship ban.

Attempt to take away voting rights.

Page 3: 'Pacific Citizen' in appeal for subscribers; a robbery; block 14 girls' club elects officers; wanted: poor girl, object: marriage; another outing.

The third legal article in this one issue.

Page 4: Bank of American opens here with rush business; Young Citizens League formed; article on hot weather; hospital dispatches; high school teachers sought; public dance for 400; activity school begins sessions; watch that line.

Pages 5, 6: Sports.

Page 7. This one has half Japanese, half translation.

Page 8: Entirely in Japanese.

Vol. 1 #35: July 11, 1942

Page 1: Movie to be presented here; urge eligible workers to call for pay; winning crews receive melons; paper will suspend publication for one week; record office moves; soap to be issued; jail a la Manzanar; athletic equipment arrives; questionnaires.

Page 2: Editorial; church schedule; evening under the stars; Of People column.

Page 3: Education notes; Sunday musicales; music hour; variety show; first aid class suspended; last rites; what Manzanar likes; Blair's creek open for picnickers.

Page 4: May be an epidemic of German measles; meet the queen; Clubs column; personalities column; from other centers column; donation made.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6, 7: Entirely in Japanese; translation to be printed later.

July 14, 1942

Direct translation of Japanese news and bulletins is the title. One page is in English, one in Japanese.

July 17, 1942

Another direct translation of Japanese news and bulletins, this time with 2 pages in English, and 2 pages in Japanese.

Vol. 1 #36: July 20, 1942

This one is physically different from the others. For one thing, there is no masthead. It's all typed, not partly handwritten as have been the titles of some columns.

Page 1: Evacuees eligible to social security provisions; wages coming; signed permits necessary for all visitors; student questionnaires due; ask housing for alterations; kitchens to close; new mattresses; return all empty pop bottles.

Page 2: Forty arrive to rejoin families; lost cost shoe repair available; no trespassing; postpone odori; news in brief column.

Pages 3, 4: Sports.

Page 6: 1/2 page in Japanese, 1/2 page of translation.

Page 6: All in Japanese.

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