Manazanar Free Press, Volume 2 #6-10

Volume 2 #6: Aug. 3, 1942

Page 1: What the world is saying; Nisei may leave center for jobs; congress for enterprises elected; Red Cross group to meet; second meeting of citizens set; class day set for senior A's; two hundred sign petition for opening of second front; official confers on construction; education head consults school; kiddies turn out own publication; Wasserman tests to be given soon; workshop meeting; baby boy born; girl leads in camouflage net production; clinic hour changes announced.

Page 2: Editorials; junior jottings; have you registered yet?; volunteers needed for work on theater; sports; what the world is saying, from page 1.

Page 3: Cowboy canteen; pardon, our error; Delta 'Y' to plan coming installation; new industrial project planned; absentee ballots; wedding; hails quality of local farm products; inoculation dodgers; goh contest winners; change date; thanks extended.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #7: Aug. 5, 1942

Page 1: Today column; four depart as families are reunited; new fire truck here; second meeting of citizens Thursday; Dr. Carter speaks at seniors' meeting; elect new delegates to co-op congress; religious group to sponsor lectures; Kibei citizens discuss citizenship; Shick tests given; issue coupon books; child disdains papa's cooking, seeks new mess; clothing distribution; hundreds of sprouting lawns and one solitary lawnmower; Japanese language teachers wanted for training schools.

Manzanar's fire department.

Page 2: Editorials; from other centers column; with the clubs column; daily delivery of newspapers set; art exhibit in block 2 office; block 23 meeting; volleyball practice.

Page 3: Cowboy Canteen column; Of People column; children's villagers enjoy 'playmates'; garment workers in temporary site; fiscal office moves; obon rehearsals; volunteers sought for tutoring session; legal dept. needs a stenographer; botany club meet; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #8: Aug. 7, 1942

Page 1: Today column; co-op schedules first meet; Army seeks citizen translators; Red Cross election slated; new Caucasian officials on duty; optometrist due in center Saturday; Strauss waltzes for symphony hour; June pay continues; two weddings; minor cases fill court calendar; recommend Nisei councils; Pomona center to Wyoming; heads for Texas; youth stabbed as result of dice game.

Page 2: Editorials; wedding campaign; Manzanar Metazoa column; shooting the breeze; an apple a day; youth stabbed article continues.

Page 3: Canteen cowboy column; Stardusters slate installation rite; religious services; news briefs; plan open house; classified ads; outdoor Christian services set; attention! co-op committeemen; co-op congress.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #9: Aug. 10, 1942

Page 1: Green grows the guayule; today column; citizen's body adopts rules, regulations; big guayule project explained; YWCA program proposed here; six new babies over week-end; contratulations; new arrival of families; unclaimed packages; residents thank donor.

Page 2: Editorials; junior jottings; open letter to the people of Manzanar; around the blocks; work cast aside-swing king Glenn Miller is subject;WCCA coupon books.

Page 3: Linoleum crew at halfway mark; senior prom bids available; what to do with hungry jackrabbits?; 'lez dance'; Bussei organize, elect cabinet; picnic-weine bake set; evacuee Japanese in centers totals 103,000; extend thanks; classified ads; block 23 forms Nisei council; last call issued for typhoid shots; club invites boys; bridegroom feted; block 5 holds picnic.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #10: Aug. 12, 1942

Page 1: Net project closed (to be reorganized); 'Y' organization under way; two hundred attend first co-op congress; cancels talk; guayule chemist begins research; wedding; Red Cross chapter selects officers; add agents to handle payroll; ceramics project to be considered; labor council drafts set-up; committee discusses relocation problems; diptheria shots; co-op congress; rentable property must be registered; child breaks arm in fall off porch; senior prom; oil-burners replace coal-burning stoves; piano arrives.

Page 2: Editorials; lawns vs. dust; judiciary hears cases; guayule for research; program presented; dear editor.

Very interesting editorial.

Page 3: Canteen cowboy column; clubs column; rains came; Manzanar schools to start on schedule in September; for music lovers; display of art works slated; missionaries speak at women's meeting; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

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