Minidoka Irrigator: Vol. 4: 46-52

Volume 4 #46: Jan. 27, 1945

Page 1: Fire causes $150 damage to special mess hall; request center may be made branch of prisoner camp; 7 Nisei soldiers win DSC medal; rooms available in Seattle to students; gate procedure ruling revised; tax advisors to arrive in Feb.; H.S. graduation speaker; candidates named at convention; Murakami family returns to coast; co-op robbed of 72 cartons of cigarettes; FSA loans available to eligible evacuees; Hunt volunteer receives medal for gallentry; J. Kanetomi, 442nd rifleman, saves company by bravery; Hunt requests all-center confab.

Two articles, one pro, one anti-prejudice.

Three articles on violence done and/or planned against Japanese Americans.

Page 2: Editorial; Time magazine on ban lift; The Reader's Rostum; teaching democracy in center hard task; Col. Myers praises Nisei intelligence soldiers in Pacific; relocated; Rev. Mather added to WRA staff; relocated.

Five articles.

Page 4: Social news; weddings; engagements; Evacu-ways; vital statistics; movie schedule; high school PTA to hold meeting.

Page 5:Sports, church services.

Volume 4 #47: Feb. 3, 1945

Page 1: Nominating convention of co-op board set; spring around the corner?; closing of fish market clarified; draft delinquents taken to Boise; evacuees receive pay in cash upon relocation; farm land returned to bureau; council election postponed due to lack of candidates; express services discontinued under new ruling; three mess halls subject to closure; twelve men named to special advisory commission; 15-day inventory of mess operation put into effect; California attorney general urges equal rights to relocatees; overseas veterans visit parents; postcards from Japan at post office; Sumitomo bank to pay dividends; 12 visit coast on short-term leave; truck accident; wins purple heart.

Three articles.

Page 2: Editorial; real test for coast return will be in Spring; Nisei soldiers best patients says Army nurse; we need not, and should not tolerate propaganda; JACL receives checks for $428; personnel changes; voca. education head.

A whole bunch of articles dealing with prejudice.

Page 3: Random Whirlgig; social news; The Ten Thousand; relocated; movie schedule.


Page 4: Sports; church services; classified ads; 12 men leave for hemp mill work; new honor roll proposed by H.R.

Issues 48 and 49 are not available.

Volume 4 #50: Feb. 10, 1945

Page 1: Amendment to charter approved; 44 nominees elected co-op board; Myer against mixing evacuees, prisoners at Hunt; construction on project eliminated; 8 ERC men called for active duty; farm crop harvest completed; Myer plans to visit here; claims must be filed by workers; three dining halls to be closed; induction selected for 8 men; news of individual soldiers; 188 Nisei from centers receive combat badges; new postal ruling simplifies money order regulations; ballots for Seattle primary available; battlefield promotions given 103 Nisei soldiers; relocatees may get contrabands; steward division workers to be cut; 11 men take physical at Boise.

Page 2: Editorial; The Readers' Rostrum; dramatized Kuroki story told on air on CBS; relocated; last year about this time.

This is the type of historical information that is easily lost.

Three more articles.

Page 3: Random Whirlgig; social news; weddings and engagements; The 10,000; movie schedule.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #51: Feb. 17, 1945

Page 1: Hog farm to be liquidated; news on individual soldiers; evacuees to be aided by Rose City group; Myer to speak at mass meeting; Sioux recruiters coming; 29 Washington, Oregon soldiers awarded badges; delegates go to all-center conference; Myer expected to give report on coast; 19 candidates named for election; reinduction policy prohibited by WRA; Takayoshi leaves King County nurse position; board holds run-off election; soldiers' families assisted by Army emergency relief.

A neat photo.


Page 2: Editorial; seasonal leave policy clarified; cigarette coupons whither bound?; The Readers' Rostrum; Puyallup reaction to league meet typical of attitude; winner of highest military award fought side-by-side with Nisei; JACL 'Reporter' makes debut; assault case taken to Jerome; distinguished service medal given Nisei posthumously; Boy Scout council holds meeting; Hunt ranks high in bond drive.

Prejudice in Wyoming.

Page 3: Social news; weddings and engagements; Random Whirlgig; movie schedule; last year about this time.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #52: Feb. 24, 1945

Page 1: Recruiting underway for ordinance work at Sioux; depot lifts restrictions on evacuees; Myer speaks before 1500 residents at gym; indefinite leave procedure clarified; $33.20 collected in 'dime' drive; news of individual soldiers; Myer opposes housing PWs in WRA centers; two draft evaders sentenced in Boise; all-center parlay ends this week; co-op board of directors elected.

Page 2: Orientation classes now being offered; The Readers' Rostrum; letters; income tax expert; ordinance work cont.; the boy who died for the orchards, the valley; church services; letters sent to AP-I; lone Huntite among honored at citation ceremony.


Page 3: High Wind; social news; weddings and engagements; The Ten Thousand; movie schedule.

Page 4: Sports.

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