Minidoka Irrigator: Vol. 5: #16-22

Volume 5 #16: June 16, 1945

Page 1: Leave grants to be issued directly to outgoing evacuees; news of individual soldiers; 4-C classification can be changed; WRA medical aid faces curtailment; Stafford commends boys on park's appearance; insurance protection available for coast returnees; poultry, hog units closed; hint Nisei may be sent to Pacific.

Page 2: Editorial; 5th Army reports Nisei met, beat best Nazi soldiers; Father Tibsar writes of evacuees in Middle West; enemy is 'all guts, no brain' says Pacific war vet; Kent marine asks for tolerance in treatment of Japanese Americans; relocated.

Violence cause.

Page 3: Resettlement report; social news; Evacu-ways; co-ops patronage refund; movie schedule; rule for disposal of surplus goods.

Page 4: Sports; news of individual soldiers; auto stamps sold at post office; procedure set for disposing of all evacuee property; Gen. Clark pays tribute to Nisei soldiers; Sunday church activities; classified ads; hint that 442nd will not be reassigned to Pacific theater; Oregon readers voice opinions on anti-Nisei leader.

Volume 5 #17: June 23, 1945

Page 1: WRA centers face closure before Jan. 1, 1946 deadline; members of 442nd guard German prisoners; 32 percent of evacuees go to West Coast; U.S. court upholds induction of 98 Poston youths; WRA secures funds for fiscal year; convoy-pick-up in collision; more called for active duty; church council in Seattle starts intensive program; Portland WRA officials visit; post office issues new regulations; co-op to refund patronage checks; ad canteen faces closure; vandals break into Hunt high; soldiers protest evacuee treatment on West Coast; new rules give better financial aid to relocatees.


Page 2: Editorial; relocated; fighting Marine asks for respect for Nisei; wounded Nisei veteran studies.

Two articles on prejudice.

Page 3: Resettlement Report; social news; USO notes; movie schedule.

Page 4: Sports; center closes cont.; Sunday church activities; classified ads.

Volume 5 #18: June 30, 1945

Page 1: Relocation assistance grants clarified; news of individual soldiers; 442nd officers devise ways to aid Nisei rehabilitation; Yasamura describes New York opportunities; JACL urges FEPC continuation; Cleveland housing situation to be studied by official; pamphlets on Ohio received here; 25 New York Nisei accepted for parts in motion picture; resettlement council organized in Seattle area.

Two articles.

Page 2: With a stack of chips; long and notable Army service is credit to Japanese Americans; many relocation services offered to Hunt residents; relocated.

Page 3: Resettlement Report; social news; movie schedule; Milwaukee citizens hold meeting to aid resettlers.

Page 4: Sports; church services; classified ads; Oregonian readers voice opinions on evacuee treatment.

Volume 5 #19: July 7, 1945

Page 1: Calif. CIO unions practice fairness towards evacuees; news of individual soldiers; number of cars to be lessened; three more Nisei win Bronze Star; WRA investigates boycott cases; active duty calls three; N.Y. hostel; 5 co-op members leave for center-wide conference; fire-fighters busy as four fires sweep sage-brush area; Army reports 2,111 Nisei casualties.

Page 2: Editorial; Nisei war vets recover from wounds at Madigan; soldiers demand working rights for Nisei; Twin Falls writer praises Nisei at war; Post-Intelligence reader writes of Nisei treatment; discouraged vets rap Nisei abuse; relocated; vital statistics.

Page 3: Resettlement Report; social news; Evacu-ways; movie schedule.

Page 4: Sports; CIO cont.; Sunday church activities; classified ads.

Volume 5 #20: July 21, 1945

Page 1: Co-op closes Oct. 31; Irrigator folds; news of individual soldiers; war families get housing; seven called for induction; 18 year olds must register; Japanese American soldiers scheduled for redeployment to United States; Nisei citizenship doubted in Army.

Prejudice lies shown.

Page 2: Editorial; officials 'hail our Japanese American GIs'; Issei prohibited to lease property; Washington Post defends Nisei; letters; 442nd to become strategic reserve; vital statistics.

Page 3: Resettlement Report; social news; USO notes; movie schedule; relocated; classified ads.


Page 4 is a history of Minidoka.

Issue 21 is not available (although it's possible there never was an issue 21)

Volume 5 #22: July 28, 1945

Page 1: Irrigator pays tribute to Hunt men killed in action; news of individual soldiers; federal housing plentiful; Yokohama bank to return dividends; four dining hall closures announced; education activities to be curtailed; relocatees assistance asked by Myer; library open through August; Sioux to recruit munitions handlers; new stop signs for project.

Page 2: The Last Chapter; AP's discuss jobs for Nisei; work in agriculture; opportunities in recreation; classified ads.

Page 3: Hunt soldiers marched in 1943-44.

Page 4: We come to the end-looking to the future

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