And Now (You Tube)

The official notices of evacuation.

A line of Japanese and Japanese-Americans gathering for evacuation.

People get off a train that is bringing them to a camp.

The persons of Japanese ancestry behind barbed wire.

One of the main problems was the physical appearance of the Japanese, making it easy to identify them as the “other.”

One of the camps.

Notice the dust that was everywhere.

To get any compensation, the person still had to be alive in 1988. That effectively cut the compensation cost by half.


Baseball was popular at the camps.

One of the 'apartments' that has been fixed up by the people living there.

A mess hall.

Outside a barracks building.

Inside a canteen.

The woman talking says that Korematsu was a man who decided to test the Constitution by refusing to go to the interment camps. He was put into jail and the Supreme Court ruled that the government did have the authority to order the evacuation and internment.

The woman describes how she got off a truck and was given a gunny sack and told to fill it with straw. It would be her mattress. She was sent to Manzanar. She talks about the dust that was there. She talks a lot about how badly they were treated, and that it was due, at least in part, to white superiority and racism.

The woman says that, if it happened today, she would protest and refuse to go.

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