Poston Press Bulletin Volume 18 #26-30

Volume 18 #26: May 11, 1944

Page 1: Eleven more names listed for the second induction; Denver area open for evacuee war workers; L.A. evacuee property man visits center; visitor from Manzinar; Gorman added to internal security staff; parolees return; new secretary to director.

Page 2: Riding the Rail; Red Cross to start safety courses; relocation reading room gets more material; Alder gives figures on counseling to date; domestic job in Parker; beginners Japanese translation class.

Page 3: Via; 'Spawn of the North' to be shown here; sports; new unit II councilmen; twenty-four hour notice required.

Page 4: Senior banquet is a huge success; knitting exhibit scheduled; mothers, fathers to be honored by Christians; sports; mothers to be honored by Bussei.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 18 #27: May 13, 1944

Page 1: Center to honor mothers; Salinas property to be moved; more inductee names in; Chronicle two years old.

Page 2: Via; require checks to be endorsed at post office; first aid and water safety course to start; Poston II high school presents open house to community; employment office lists job offers; to and from.

Page 3: New relocator advisor in unit III; PTA to hold Mother's Day program; Mother's Day tomorrow; coming events; unit III to present shibai program; sports.

Page 4: Almost totally illegible.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 18 #28: May 16, 1944

Page 1: Council rejects appeal of rabbit-poultry regulation; patients in the military area may apply for leave clearance; cache farms workers sought; foundry seeks 100 workers; photogs visit.v

Page 2: Handicraft exhibit scheduled; new relocation interviewer; fund allocated unit I library; canals being dredged; foundry work cont; clearance cont; blk managers committees announced.

Page 3: Via; council allots $250 to scouts; new clerks take office; council recommends wage increase at slaughter-house; Charles Olds enlists; sports.

Page 4: Special Spring Christian conference; departures; sports; council build shade; coming events; seniors take over high school.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 18 #29: May 18, 1944

Page 1: Leave clearance hearings changed to legal division; no Tule Lake movement for center listed; more to arrive from Santa Fe; three fires this week; Johnson gives advice on overseas mail.

Page 2: Music dept. to present twilight concert; Cushman on tour of cities; overseas mail cont; clearance transferred cont.; Tule Lake cont.

Page 3: Via; D. Fukunaga resigns post; blaze damages bachelors abode; observe Mothers Day in unique forms; Ginny Simms sends wire; to and from; drawing class meetings.

Page 4: Coyote traps laid at poultry farm; new poultry head at unit III; Miyata relocates in east; piano recital well attended; first aid classes start; mothers feted at parties; 'Jamazono' social a hit; coming events.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 18 #30: May 20, 1944

Page 1: Second group of inductees to be sworn in tomorrow; fire alarm boxes completed in units II, III; exhibit today; Army to cease accepting men for limited service; Sunday speaker.

Page 2: St. Shrinran's birthday celebration to be observed; 'Spring Fever'; sports; music hour slated Sunday; conserve water warning issued; 316 mess hall beautified; departures.

Pages 3-6: In Japanese.

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