Poston Press Bulletin Volume 19 #6-10

Volume 19 #6: June 3, 1944

Page 1: More active duty orders arrive for boys in center; Pvt. Shintaku, Unit II soldier, wounded in action; Fujii trial Tuesday; leaves for under clarified; Cushman leaves for Detroit; 35 men leave.

Page 2: Via; sports; baccalaureate service Sunday.

Page 3: Dust and Desert; council asks bus depot move; hospital bus time revised; social news; sports; coming events.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-9: In Japanese.

Volume 19 #7: June 6, 1944

Page 1: Poston and Parker Scouts load 30 tons of waste paper; half of polio campaign proceeds to be retained; river water unfit for drinking; property man to arrive; 121 visits center in May.

Page 2: Unit I fire system ready; college honors Nisei students; foundry seeks more men; prizes for fish contest announced; paper drive cont; library notes.

Page 3: Via; Chamberlain is main commencement speaker; social news; to and from; first aid to start June 12; movie Friday this week; sports.

Page 4: 30 receive honor pins; dust and desert; council okays shibai offer; money allotted judo club; departures; sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 19 #8: June 8, 1944

Page 1: Solution to labor shortage studied by labor commission; twelve complete Red Cross safety courses; 500 attended trading post opening; next induction June 24; Poston gets $280 for scrap; inductees go.

Page 2: Unit I commencement rites set; economic dept. plans exhibit; employment solution cont; boy returns from hospital; Rev. Kubose goes to L.A.; blk 2 sewing school closed.

Page 3: Via; commencement program; cottonwood bowl to be scene of high school commencement; sports.

Page 4: Outstanding students honored at awards assembly; baccalaureate service held; council honors Shirasawa; unit III takes judo trophy.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 19 #9: June 10, 1944

Page 1: Fujii acquited of violating sedition act; water situation in center serious; no special train July 4; fire destroys barrack in camp II blaze; 400 graduates get diplomas; John Baker joins Marines.

Page 2: 9-pound carp leads contest; Tule Lake visitors minimized; special show tonight; Texas Rangers to be shown; Sunday service; inter-camp bus schedule.

Page 3: Via; faculty, seniors hold formal tea; Bussei life makes debut; social news; cottonwood bowl scene of impressive commencement; tropic cruise theme of senior banquet; 220 to throw grand fete.

Page 4: Eighty-four seniors to receive diplomas tonight; sports; members of graduating class named; delegates chosen; new manager selected.

Page 5: Adult ed gives farm courses; Shimpo credits Poston with Granada news; 'Ten Years in Japan' at library; Currie leaves for New York.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 19 #10: June 13, 1944

Page 1: Induction date moved up; aircraft jobs open to Nisei and Issei; prospective inductees may be reinstated; boys send cablegrams; 103 names for induction released.

Page 2: Diet office successful; garage to give movie; sports; YBA forum set; evacuees still eligible for voting; Bussei-get your cards immediately.

Page 3: Via; council discusses rest home plans; to and from; six receive scholarships.

Page 4: Induction names cont.; pre-induction names.

Page 5: Dust and desert; Christians to honor graduates; CE selects chairman; AG head chosen; police dept. gives warning; post office transaction released; sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

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