Poston Press Bulletin Volume 19 #21-25

Volume 19 #21: July 11, 1944

Page 1: Short-terms may not be changed to trial leaves; big send-off given boys; no repairs permitted on private cars; 14 evaders picked up.

Take citizenship from disloyals.

Page 2: Sports.

Page 3: Briefly; names of 4th of July swimming contest announced; to and from; new postmaster.

Page 4: Dust and desert; council selects commissions; transations of po released; Batiste blouses on sale; police uniforms are received; sports; deadline for store receipts.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 19 #22: July 13, 1944

Page 1: Hospital veterans feted at banquet last week; police department in unit I changed; induction call for men arrives; servicemen to visit; new co-op manager.

Page 2: Letter box; special movie; certificates awarded 19 nurses' aides; center truck kills man; new unit I library hours announced; melon season in full swing; S.B. vice prexy leaves; Girdler visiting Los Angeles.

Page 3: Briefly; goods may still be shipped here; Oita and Yagi win honors in New Concord; May and June latrine ratings; scouts receive awards; library news; sports; new timekeeper.

Page 4: Dust and desert; watermelon harvested; unit 3 leaders go to Detroit; vacation Bible school ends; departures; movie tonite.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 19 #23: July 15, 1944

Page 1: 442nd combat team smashes enemy positions in Italy; more scheduled to take oaths; human ashes may be sent to Japan; fire damages barracks; Dr. Powell on trip; allow three days for crating lumber; delegate scheduled to arrive.

Page 2: Briefly; p.o. report; council elects new member; pool in good condition now; 'induction ball' to be held; Rev. Tsunoda speaks tomorrow; shoe shop news.

Page 3: Dust and desert; social news; sports; new artist at sign shop.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 19 #24: July 18, 1944

Page 1: Co-op to allocate $4800 yearly for center welfare; gate clerks are now stationed at entrance; Postonians at Shelby; search on for missing cook; delegate visits project; city manager returns; lawn mowers sought.

Page 2: Land owners meet reported; new councilmen introduced; dust and desert; sports; Girl Scouts to sell hot dogs.

Page 3: Sports.

Page 4: Via; high school library open; special job open for girl; sr. life saving course to start; radio repair shop filled; to and from; movie menu.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 19 #25: July 20, 1944

Page 1: Storage in government warehouse recommended; leave officer returns from 6-week trip; new counselor; John Maeno to arrive; group leaves to be inducted; Compton property owners sought.

Page 2: Briefly; p.o. report; college catalogs available at Poston two high school; special movie; to and from; sports.

Page 3: Summer activity program to be sponsored by C.A.; 'Hello Angels' to be shown; 'block mother' discontinued; YBA contest deadline postponed; visiting servicemen; conversation class; YBA members.

Page 4: Swimming pool will open; new officers; sports; Rev. Tsunoda to be honored; baby contest; movie tonite.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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