Poston Press Bulletin, Volume 4 #11-15

Volume 4, #11: Sept. 8, 1942

Page 1: Liaison officer for WRA, Indian service is 10 days Poston visitor; Monterey residents in move to aid Postonians; documentarian here on two-day visit; J.Sumida leaves for DU.

Page 2: Traffic ordinances for the city of Poston, continued; 25 mph is speed limit between Poston I, II, III; garnishing shed work starts Monday; prep students of Poston III to register for classes; press, intake crews go picnicking, also work.

Page 3: Permanent block managers assigned; stork news; sr. YBA president set; musclemen active at rec35 class; Poston 3 talent celebs to give show here.

Page 4: Unit I dramatists to entertain; block 227 holds weekly sing and talent show; cacti capers; new adobe shack under construction; typhoid injections begin Tuesday; Frank Bucks returns home with snakes; card of thanks.

Page 5: Poston 3: centeen, talent show; typhoid innoculations; new dentist added to staff; Bible school; Buddhist forum; like to paint?; church news; locale chosen for camouflage factories; blessed event; wanted.

Page 6: Sports.

Volume 4, #12: Sept. 9, 1942

Page 1: The World at War column; no poisonous scorpions declared living here; dept. issues statement in re: swimming; no Poston units 4, 5, or 6; office hours.

Page 2: Traffic ordinances for the city of Poston, continued; Poston county fair heads picked; voters reminded of election for city council for Poston III; World at War continued; unit 2 rec. dept. confers with Dr. Powell.

Page 3: Community enterprises to move into new quarters soon; Poston YWCA is formed; newspaper girl gets surprise party; Poston 3 orchestra plays at sports dance; chapel 44 to hold social.

Page 4: 'Doomed to Die' Boris Karloff starred; 221 block honors workmen; Yuges arrive safely to their new home; Poston 3 men working at Parker warehouse; Scouts study signaling; new office established; found in block 215.

Page 5: Folk dancing to be taught; arts and crafts show; senior girls club; pride of 306; preparations under way for elections tomorrow; reward offered for ladies wrist watch; co-op study group organized; Crusaders Club organized for girls; birth; dance.

Page 6: Sports.

Volume 4, #13: Sept. 10, 1942

Page 1: Poston III goes to polls; Poston III residents may move to I or II; attention Poston voters.


Prejudice countered.

Page 2: Credit Union expert to speak in Poston; Poston III dispute to go before court; traffic violators get jail sentence, probation period; new principal here.

Page 3: Editorial; three Poston personalities.

Page 4: Law courses offered to Postonians; Red Cross to be organized here; block managers to keep daily log in unit two; co-op series end tonite; unit 2 residents given opportunity to help in defense work; weekly Y.B.A. meeting to be held; residents asked to salvage empty milk cartons, tin cans; typewriter for sale.

Page 5: Red Cross headquarters now taking registration; stork visit; Drum & Bugle corps ready to accept new members; inter-marriage permits grave leave for 8 more Postonians; farewell party given to student.

Page 6: Poston Christian Church III is formed; friend of San Diegans visits Poston III; Poston III talents appear before huge Poston I crowd; first Bussei night; new well ready for Poston III; Girl Scouts meeting; obon festival will be held.

Pages 7, 9: Sports.

Volume 4, #14: Sept. 11, 1942

Page 1: Councilmen voted for Poston III; 950 on payroll at Poston III project; 461 students enroll in high school courses at Poston III (?); Poston III dieticians discuss menu; shoe repairmen to organize;.

Page 2: Amendments to the traffic ordinance for the city of Poston; staff treated in outing; public warned of Arizona scorpions.

Page 3: Editorial: Educational aims;mobile census unit operates at Poston III.

Page 4: Hobby exhibit at county fair; land flooded, water supply will continue; come and get it-express office report; hand embroidery classes; notice; knitting and crocheting classes; wanted: cotton pickers; on the screen; jig-time at rec 42; sewing classes hours changed, longer.

Page 5: Fashion parade set; Buddhist summer school has big enrollment; sports; ample water supply for unit 2 assured; block 211 honors mess workers; cathedral choir to hold practice; found item.

Page 6: Poston III department notes; work started on new golf driving range; sing your worry away; Poston III to display Japanese costumes; today's spotlight-preschool; canteen says orders for pipes to be filled.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Volume 4, #15: Sept. 12, 1942

Page 1: Rec. departments to be re-organized; over four-fifths of Poston III voters turn out at polls; insurance counsel named by law dept; shortage of carpentry equipment causes rift in Poston 2


Page 2: Editorial; parking laws released by police department.

Page 3: All rec donations to be distributed in three units equally; teachers' training ends; gardens will soon be common sight in unit 2; credit unions to be discussed tonight in unit 2; unit 2 electrical shop; call for more policemen.

Page 4: Clerk of Court takes oath; personal checks are cashed; signed articles only-please; wedding bells; ping pong tourney with unit 2; keep away from stream after 5 p.m. no lifeguards; Scouters to hear J.D. Crawford at first mass meeting.

Page 5: Starlight symphony scheduled; block 214 young people organize club; block 227 stages big talent show; Christian services; Scouting; song session featured at Seiten service; retraction; nurse rejoins family.

Page 6: Poston III supports co-op petition; sr. girls meet; Church news; new truck added to transport dept.; send-off party given.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

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