Poston Press Bulletin Volume 11 #16-20

Volume 11 #16,April 2, 1943

Page 1: Orchestra needs more musicians; project falls under new rationing rules; Snelson commends hospital; TCC committee meets today.

Page 2: Laundry soap frozen; library notes; church schedule; brief beats; do you want a job at the camouflage.

Page 3: Indian folklore; service bureau manager wanted; Buddhists plan elaborate Hana matsuri festival; practical jokers have field day.

Page 4: Volunteers take physical examination; gifts prohibited; council appoints clothing allowance committee; no bottles, no sodas; Spanish club organized; departee honored at block party; ratio on birth and death; diseases.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 11 #17,April 3, 1943

Page 1: Poston birth number 231; project work continued despite leave program; administrator honored at farewell social; farm tool locations sought.

Page 2: Ataloa to appear tonight; Los Angeles Girl Scouts send books; block 200 residents organize; farewell party given by 227ers; residents leave Poston; P.O. announcement.

Page 3: Sports.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 11 #18,April 4, 1943

Page 1: February, March advances to be paid; first aid class resumes; Japanese job offers exceed applicants; aid to funeral director wanted; Chronicle to issue first printed newspaper within few days.

Pages 2-4: In Japanese.

Volume 11 #19,April 6, 1943

Page 1: Project director approves engineers pay increase; employment division to probe labor situation; Buddhists present colorful program for Hana Matsuri; Kleenex frozen, none available; eight leave for hostel in Chicago.

Page 2: New greeting cards displayed; social held by nurses' aides; Red Cross assists in mag production; brief beats; wedding.

Page 3: Ataloa enchants residents at colorful program of songs and folklore; subdivision of outside employment office established; To and From; gala Bussei dance tonight; soldier extends thanks; Mademoiselles meet tonight.

Page 4: The Poston Lampoon; gala wesak day service scheduled; missionary conference acclaimed success; adult education news; visitors; social note; YBA nite shifted.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 11 #20,April 7, 1943

Page 1: Interference forces morse class to shift hours; authority on resettlement will speak to residents; Zimmerman to speak today on resettlement topic; Kennedy leaves for Portland.

Page 2: Substitute for soap on sale; library notes; brief beats; births; classified ads; C.E. employees enjoy social.

Page 3: Production of magazine nears completion; inspection of baggage; goings-; unit II TCC approves $19; archery set received; Novel Hut notes; watch crystals.

Page 4: The Poston Lampoon; camouflage work halted; service bureau to be formed; Rev. Frank Udale addresses Bussei; survey to be made; remember 7th of April; urgently needed.

Page 5: Girls' sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

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