Poston Press Bulletin Volume 13 #11-15

Volume 13 #11: June 15, 1943

Page 1: Red Cross units begin swimming safety campaign; Cushman official escort for leave service; opportunities open in Minnesota for laborers; caps & gowns for high school graduates; Red Cross message service open.

Page 2: Children's day program at 211 church; post office issues warning $100 for offense; Bussei meet Wednesday; to and from.

Pages 3, 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #12: June 16, 1943

Page 1: Workers wanted by resort hotel; police dept. to continue with present force; formation of CSF chapter underway; letters prohibited in packages; Poston paintings to be shown; one year ago today.

Page 2: Greeting cards for graduates on sale at canteen; colored movie Thursday night; library notes; brief beats; fellowship hour to start; cap and gown measurement due; photos found; roster deadline set.

Page 3: To the faculty members of Poston schools; Yamaguchi elected YBA president; births; civil service jobs open; latrine inspection results revealed; brief beats.

Page 4: Sewing dept. balance sheet approved; departures; editorial; CA announcement; wedding bells.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #13: June 17, 1943

Page 1: Easterners found to be friendly towards evacuees; director Wade Head to remain here; malaria carriers found here; condensed milk now rationed.

Page 2: Prizes offered for civic project name; 3 volunteers called; PTA to present honor awards; adult education to hold pen class; message to departees.

Pages 3-5: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #14: June 18, 1943

Page 1: Ration book 3 for resettlers; mosquito increase seen here; farmers may leave for eastern area; vehicles for private use prohibited.

Page 2: Presenting your block manager; two fashion shows scheduled; legal consultation hours announced; new nurses' aide class to start; secretaries wanted; to cinema goers.

Page 3: In case of lost checks; office moved; police commission created; departures; movie; PC3AA notice; appreciation.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #15: June 19, 1943

Page 1: Residents demand Poston noodles; rejectees given job priority; jobs offered to stranded NYA trainees; one year ago today.

Page 2: Between beats; arts & crafts sells cards; to and from; baccalaureate services; church services.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

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