Poston Press Bulletin Volume 14 #6-10

Volume 14 #6: July 15, 1943

Page 1: Only clearance necessary for eastern area; D.C. employment official on inspection tour; alien departees must notify U.S. attorney; rebate certificates available for tomato growers; tags must be secured for dogs; Shelby soldiers donate $7000 to polio fund.

Page 2: Sports.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 14 #7: July 16, 1943

Page 1: Spanish counsel to visit Poston on tour; relocation library to open;ill health delays Miss Ataloas return.

Filipinos attack Japanese.

Page 2: Editorial; Canadian Nisei wants pen pal; births.

Page 3: Block managers election set; power to be turned off; concert on classics; temperature; watermaster lauds unit; Satow speaks tonight; latrine inspection results; sports; to-from.

Page 4: Fund granted to Poston square garden; blk.mgr. supervisor accepted; mess 310 to resume service; June receipts due today; engagement announced; departures; barber shop moves; swimming course scheduled; classified ads.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 14 #8: July 17, 1943

Page 1: No guards at river; Spanish counsel here on tour; unit 1 approves donation of unclaimed refund; Omaha Y camp to be used for hostel; El Monte girl first Nisei WAC; disbursement of net fund.

Page 2: Yachts being made at toy dept; first aid instructors course offered; brief beats; unit I library head; Poston Christian church secures noted violinist for Sunday.

Page 3: City council to support Marcantonio bill; Spanish counsel here; department news; first speakfast in unit III slated; civic project undergoes metamorphosis; cottage meeting.

Page 4: Harvesting of melons in full swing; notary public; Camp Savage applications; Arizona fishing regulations applying to this area announced in pamphlets; V-mail for personal use discouraged; AD barracks remodeled; to and from; evacuee vehicles not permitted in camp.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 14 #9: July 18, 1943

Page 1: Center Nisei graduates M.I.S.; job offers total 454 for June; Poston leads center in departures; Minidoka cuts workers to 2874; two fire trucks added to dept; men on tour.

Page 2: Satow gives address; volunteers leave 25th; Camp Savage info. given; kitchens in reclassification.

Page 3: Sports.

Page 4: Two Army volunteers called; noted violinist to appear at Y.P. service; strict working hours enforced; sports; departures; award committee named; visiting California.

Page 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 14 #10: July 20, 1943

Page 1: Parker dam not endangered; fourth group of Army volunteers to leave Sunday; AG dept. to be streamlined; oratorical contest scheduled tonight; Poston II YBA to hear Rev. Kumata.

Page 2: Nisei Sgt. gives highlight of life at Camp Savage, Minnesota; Savage graduates lauded.

Page 3: Block 21 tops weekly latrine inspection; 50 seasonal workers needed; new books added to library; swing under the stars; art classes started.

Page 4: From bad to worse; registration for 17 year olds; register for selective service; oratorical contest tonight.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

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