Poston Press Bulletin Volume 16 #6-10

Volume 16 #6: Oct. 17, 1943

Page 1: Training open for vocational opportunities; leave clearance review board appointed; sixty new councilmen sworn in; hearings on leave resumed.

Page 2: Three segregation escorts return; training cont.

Page 3: Part-time worker may work 20 hours under new instructions; 500 students promoted in 2.

Page 4: Sewing school opening; 815 students enrolled in 2; Christian church news; former editor visitor here; 'This Gun For Hire'.

Page 5 :Dr. Jones to speak tonight; former Tulean witness Southern hospitality; movies at 59 Sunday night; visiting servicemen.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 16 #7: Oct. 20, 1943

Page 1: 1236 returning on Gripsholm; 19 community councilmen names released; Gen. Clark praises Nisei battalion; TB skin test in unit III; 15 here from Santa Fe.

Page 2: They are American citizens; Schmidt and party return; internees.

Page 3: $15,250 asked by education dept; volunteers wanted adobe construction; maintenance shop under completion; new school schedule; visiting servicemen.

Page 4: Three well-known evangelists to speak this week; large crowd attends first meeting; social news.

Page 5: Medical license issued Nisei; population decreases in Unit III; library notes.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 16 #8: Oct. 22, 1943

Page 1: 14 arrive from Tule; Indian service to withdraw from Poston; alligator killed in Colorado river; young construction worker electrocuted atop roof; lightning wrecks unit 3 transformers.

Page 2: Completion of leave clearance expected by January 1; fresh milk delivery to resume today; registration still on for training; Indian service cont; unit III PTA meeting; construction worker cont; alligator killed cont.

Page 3: Project attorney describes basis of internment; 'Poston much better' say Tuleans; Poston may get soybean milk; Poston's first volunteer visits here.

Page 4: Improvements discussed by unit managers; unit III council makes request for mail truck; Lt. Kleiman visits center for recruitment; D.C. allows only $5000 for libraries; lightning cont.

Page 5: Unit III judicial and manpower commissions meet; social news; educational pictures to be shown at block 32; unit II PTA to meet; C.E. delegates elected in 3; unit 2 latrine inspection.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 16 #9: Oct. 24, 1943

Page 1: New WRA office opens; new members added to board; housing in center released; unit III committees appointed; Miss Yamaguchi to arrive here for classes; councilmen honored.

Page 2: Dr. Jones spoke before record crowd; unit II law dept. to aid evacuees in filing report; 53 co-op new delegates elected in I; unit III committeemen cont; employment officer expected here.

Page 3: Temple stored goods to be sent here for identification; noise hinders classes.

Page 4: Dr. Kasuga scheduled to speak in unit III; English classes to commence; former law dept. workers making good; fishing contest deadline nears; librarian sought for block 36; councilmen cont; sports; visiting servicemen.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 16 #10: Oct. 27, 1943

Page 1: Prize fish registered at unit I; schools seek accreditation; ambulance need in 3 disclosed; fire dept. says too many bonfires; unit III law dept. handles 1777 matters; YMCA speaker.

Page 2: Editorial; Halloween social to be sponsored; prize catch cont.; pictures of relocatees on display at unit I; tractor drivers wanted at unit III; translation class schedules released.

Page 3: Sports.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

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