Poston Press Bulletin Volume 17 #21-25

Volume 17 #21: Feb. 8, 1944

Page 1: Hen, fruits AG major product today; farm deferment possible; camp II sergeant dies in front; tax aide due here today; decisions on leave clearance now loo (???)

Page 2: Infantile Paralysis winning essay.

Page 3: Boarding house sale, rent; letter tells of travel conditions; relocation office being remodeled; new branch library hours; movie of the week; visiting servicemen; social news.

Page 4: Sportslights; Boy Scouts of American to celebrate 34th anniversary; 213 and 216 lead in latrine inspection; to and from; 391 in Poston II await imminent call to service.

Page 5: Shibai donation fund released; 330 rises to top in kitchen ratings; dust n' deserts; new sets of religious books here; sports; Christian church notice; Phylesians honor member; 307 will sponsor YBA night tonight; departures.

Pages 6, 7: In Japanese.

Volume 17 #22: Feb. 10, 1944

Page 1: 4000 chicks arrive; relocation team to arrive in Poston; give center address on registration card; Army-Navy student test; notify administration of pre-induction examination.

Page 2: Adult education offers night courses; January statement of trust fund released; social news; Honda to lead Unit III YBA; installation dance to be sponsored by YBA; sports.

Page 3: Sports.

Page 4: Via; recipients of rehearing notices may file written appeal for reclassification; to and from; seniors hold annual ball at campus club; friends pay tribute to Sgt. Shiramizu.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 17 #23: Feb. 12, 1944

Page 1: Hata freed of charges; unit I water not drinkable next Wednesday and Monday; benefit dance date set; railway jobs open in Montana; two men violate probation.

Page 2: Marine hero visiting kin; housing committee established; blk 21 kitchen leads sanitation for January; library notes; Benny Goodman to feature movie; Christian worship at the school auditorium; visiting servicemen.

Page 3: Sportlights; five named to quad executive board; article by local librarian appears in Current magazine; Boy Scouts of Poston to climax anniversary week with grand jamboree; Sgt. Shiramizu-athlete; staff member of Red Cross gives lessons in sterilization; sports.

Page 4: Community of Poston square garden rushed; industry loses valuable men; dust n' desert (rest of page is unreadable.)

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 17 #24: Feb. 15, 1944

Page 1: Application acceptable for lost cards; paralysis drive nets $1018; chlorination dates changed; two receptionists needed by Poston General Hospital; new project attorney to arrive to replace Haas; three arrive from Santa Fe.

Page 2; 58 Nisei awarded Purple Heart medal; editorial.

Page 3: Via; social news; to and from; January postal statistics released; 215 and 219 vie for block sanitation author.

Page 4: 35 Nisei donate blood; unit I latrine results; camp fencing completed; how to eat your cake and have it, too.

Page 5: Various problems discussed by council (rest of page is unreadable)

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 17 #25: Feb. 17, 1944

Page 1: Advanced men for relocation expected today; draft status of evacuees clarified; 250 clearance decisioned; relocates leave earlier.

Page 2: Officers praise Nisei ability, loyalty, gallantry; letter to the editor.

Page 3: Via; jamboree climaxed Boy Scout week; to and from.

Page 4: Blk manager supervisor resigns post; Roku II, Jr. YBA elect officers; winner of polio contest donates; sports; 330,328 first in kitchen and latrine ratings; take advantage of night courses; public health dept. moves to clinic.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

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