Poston Press Bulletin Volume 18 #16-20

Volume 18 #16: April 18, 1944

Page 1: War fund drive passes quota; unit I block managers reject council's recommendation; Poston residents entitled to vacation leave with pay; Wade Head visited center last week; transportation of property made easier.

Page 2: Hundreds of Poston children immunized; MIS accepting candidates (Military Intelligence Service); employment offers; immunization treatment schedules; form 304a unnecessary; war fund drive; two parolees arrive here.

Page 3: Via; To and From; fishing news; rest of page is illegible.

Page 4: Dust n' desert; sports; five families left for Crystal City.

Page 5: Riding the Rail; evacuees find little discrimination in Cleveland; Nisei gets two enemy tanks; decorated him.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 18 #17: April 20, 1944

Page 1: Tule to hold pre-induction examinations; center-wide waste paper drive to start; judicial commission sentence gamblers; domestic job for appointed staff okayed; departures; no deductions for class B dependents.

Page 2: Postonian on honor roll; Nisei boys commended; music dept. to present recital; gamblers cont; toys made for educational purpose; AG news; tampering with fire alarm boxes banned; paper drive cont.

Page 3: Unit III swimming pool is not officially opened to public; new police chief; dust n' desert; formation of block YBA underway; 250 attend Steward Irokai; sports.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 18 #18: April 22, 1944

Page 1: 151 men examined; project director approves rabbit-poultry regulation; survey reveals residents intend to remain in center; council adopts procedures for memorials; gambler gets jury trial; properties moved to WRA warehouse; paper drive.

Page 2: Riding the Rails; twenty farms involved in property suits; Whiting war plan opens to Nisei; Mrs. Powell added to relocation staff; visiting servicemen; shirt exchanged at pre-induction exam.

Page 3: New leave officer; Miss Butler goes to Washington; cab company seeks ten men; eleven men arrive from Santa Fe; illustrated talk this Sunday at service; 'Texan' next week; council survey cont; Cushman heads draft.

Page 4: Via; Hana Matsuri ball to climax Buddhist week of activities; property forms on hand at legal office; art classes to convene twice weekly; sports; paper salvage campaign to start here.

Page 5: Council rejects $1000 requested for shibai; night classes to begin; sports; amphitheater now has silver screen; housing department moves; two representatives at YBA conclave; departures.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 18 #19: April 25, 1944

Page 1: 1780 listed on stop list; community councilmen given oath by director Mills; procedure set up to clear Nisei for Merchant Marines; Masuda elected chairman of the community council; seasonal leaves revised; attorney visits center.

Page 2: Via; sports; Tri-unit scouts hear national scout leader; Spring Fiesta financial statement.

Page 3: Sports.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 18 #20: April 27, 1944

Page 1: Relocation can serve families; restrictions relaxed for families of to-be inductees; cab company man leaves; seven called for induction; Spain delegate to come.

Page 2: Editorial; N.J. clergymen deplore forced departures; visiting servicemen.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

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