Rohwer Outpost Volume 4, #6-10

Volume 4 #6: Jan. 22, 1944

Page 1: Benefit hop given Feb. 5; fuel problem awaits results as center recalls employees; work starts on poultry farm; Fujino leaves for Midwest; Johnston on business trip; center loses chief Jones; N.Y. relocation officer visits Rohwer.

Page 2: Shoreland personnel head here; now showing; guests; receive more overseas mail; correction on sale of shoes; relocation calendar; outside employment; library adds 'Y' pamphlets; co-adviser attends Red Cross confab; vital statistics.

Page 3: Club notes; Buddhist commemorate Ho Onko; Dr. Griswold talks to RFCC; adult service in P.S. hall 20; 'Thailand' by Dr. Collier; two families transfer to Crystal City; church schedule.

Page 4: Lil Dan'l; Stormy Weather; sports; fire chief leaves cont; Miss Madigan visits center.

Volume 4 #7: Jan. 26, 1944

Page 1: Lumberjack starts again; reinstitute draft; paralysis drive to start soon; registration for aliens in center commences today; workshop building being constructed for high school.

Page 2: Contact man visits center; now showing; relocation calendar; guests; library notice; outside employment; receive more overseas mail; vital statistics; lost and found.

Page 3: Rohwer USO elects heads; Shelby soldiers visit Rohwer; N.Y. prospects are favorable; infantile paralysis campaign cont; Army induction cont; aliens register cont.

Page 4: Lil Dan'l; sports.

Page 5: Questions and Answers about selective service.

Pages 6-10: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #8: Jan. 29, 1944

Page 1: Tips on the South; tofu and miso top output; two internees arrive today; hearing notice news reported; 50 job offers at Stevens hotel; mechanic encyclopedia; six nursery schools now opened.

Page 2: Receive more overseas mail; now showing; relocation calendar; guests; outside employment; coming attractions; lost and found.

Page 3: Van Dusseldorf to speak at YBA service; Stormy Weather; registration for first aid; orders taken for nurse class photos; Rev. Sakaue speaks at RFCC; club notes; co-op notes; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5: February/March calendar.

Pages 6-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #9: Feb. 2, 1944

Page 1: Military service; Army trucks on their way; noted agriculturist to deliver lectures here; goods arrive from overseas; movies given by Red Cross.

Page 2: Hotel calls for Issei and Nisei; now showing; guests; relocation calendar; receive more overseas mail; block 7 fetes four grads; outside employment; vital statistics; lost and found.

Page 3: Many Nisei soldiers awarded the Order of the Purple Heart; sports editor leaves center; Aqua Pacifica; minister's council elects officers; YPCF prepares for valentine party; club notes; a letter from Tule Lake.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #10: Feb. 5, 1944

Page 1: More details on Nisei draft; 3 campaigns by schools; conference concerning Calif. property makes headway; agricultural head visits here.

Page 2: Lil Dan'l; guests; outside employment; now showing; receive more overseas mail; relocation calendar; lost and found.

Page 3: Benefit dance to draw crowd; farming class to begin soon; lease inquiries received on LA Japanese school property; new hours for health clinic; Rev. Sakuae talks on 'victorious living'; library will open evenings; Eastside PTA meets; club notes; special showing of Red Cross movies; Nisei to register for draft cont.; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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