Rohwer Outpost Volume 4, #11-15

Volume 4 #11: Feb. 9, 1944

Page 1: Pre-inductees to see Tryce; three-day Engei Kai set for weekend; evacuee items transferred; two USO meetings to be held tomorrow night; cash checks at P.S. Hall 33; Red Cross aids center hospital.

Page 2: Lil Dan'l; guests; now showing; block managers hold banquet; relocation calendar; vital statistics; Rohwer Girl Scouts represented at meet; outside employment; Rohwerittes attend YWCA meet; center jobs; lost and found.

Page 3: YBA prepares victory hop; club notes; Stormy Weather; BSA observe 34th jubilee; co-op delegates to meet; local Hi-Y to get charter from YMCA; happiness hour.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #12: Feb. 12, 1944

Page 1: Draftees must report new address; Army to offer specialized training program to Nisei; revenue man aids taxpayers; paralysis drive results given; checks delay reasons given; Abbott to join Navy; poultry farm completed.

Page 2: Lil Dan'l; guests; relocation calendar; Stevens hotel here for recruitment; now showing; coming prevues; receive more overseas mail.

Page 3: USO cleanup; hostel directors visit here; weekend plans for RFCC set; co-op news; Scout Sunday will be observed by YBA; world almanac; evacuee property transferred from Nishi Hongwanji Temple; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #13: Feb. 16, 1944

Page 1: Army training program set; Rohwer USO invites soldiers; information requested on Japanese-made films in U.S.; ID photos for all relocating; Akimoto joins local hospital staff.

Page 2: Lil Dan'l; now showing; guests; receive more overseas mail; outside employment; relocation calendar; classified ads; vital statistics.

Page 3: Club notes; artist leaves for East; sports; final curtains fall on the Stockton Shujo Kabuki group; sewing teacher goes to Chicago.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #14: Feb. 19, 1944

Page 1: Interior department takes over WRA; later instructions released on pre-inductees; draft rule for student; Peacock to give income tax aid.

Page 2: CA reports on monthly statement; now showing; guests; corrections on Shojo Kabuki; outside employment; relocation calendar; unidentified item awaits owner; receive more overseas mail; vital statistics; message from J.B. Hunter.

Page 3: Club notes; local draft board issues selective service notices; Rev. Major speaks to RFCC; YWCA to hold joint meeting; YBA victory hop scheduled; church services.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #15: Feb. 23, 1944

Page 1: Replacement trucks coming here; seasonal leaves restrictions released; pre-inductees to go for physicals; chief of mess visits center; Camp Shelby men guests of USO; war department calls off Army specialized training program; changes made in locals of selections.

Page 2: Draft-age eligibles in Omaha notified for Army; now showing; guests; relocation calendar; receive more overseas mail; Poston gets new director; club sponsors Issei banquet; final details from Georgia farm on way; vital statistics.

Page 3: YBA victory hop attracts crowd; recruiter from flower shop in Chicago to be in center; classes to begin in electricity; Outpost loses again; twp RFCC speakers attend conference; Myer speaks on relocation; sewing class meets Monday; club notes; lost and found.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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