Rohwer Outpost Volume 5, #1-5

Volume 5 #1: June 28, 1944

Page 1: New check-up system; census to be taken again; trips allowed; reservists to leave Friday; recruiters here for seasonal workers; adult summer classes slated.

Page 2: Once overs; guests; now showing; relocation calendar; vital statistics; Red Cross mail.

Page 3: Summer activities; how to get that man; art exhibit; once overs; girls to meet in GR campfire; CA cautions dance sponsors on rule; club notes; annuals for sale.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #2: July 4, 1944


Page 2: Editorial.

Page 3: No legal holiday; July 4th festivities on; vacation plan set; coronation ceremonies to be scheduled; liberal day permit arrangement to start.

Draft evaders sentenced.

Page 4: Once Overs; Now Showing; Guests; relocation calendar; movie prevues.

Page 5: Complaints received; folk dance class planned; parcel regulation for overseas released; Rohwer day to show center; summer employment for boys offered; USO; vital statistics; well baby clinic day changed; coronation cont; checking system cont; permit rules cont.

Page 6: Christian leaders to attend conference; The Author's Corner; Club Notes; farewell sermon; Dr. Garrott speaks at RFCC; Once Overs; church schedule.

Page 7: Registration for baby show still open; new activities to be added; auto mechanic class to start; former Rohwerite receives license; summer school half completed; ain't it hot today.

Page 8: Festival information; gala eve scheduled.

Pages 9, 10: Sports.

Pages 11-18: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #3: July 5, 1944

Page 1: Coronation ball; 100th battalion cited for valor; poultry farm hits record, calls for more manpower; festivities continue.

Page 2: Once Overs; Guests; good news from Seabrook farms; mail from Red Cross; now showing; relocation calendar.

Page 3: Club notes; baby show entrants get instructions; Spanish counsel spikes rumor; Red Cross mail cont; vital statistics; Forrest new project attorney; Once Overs.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #4: July 8, 1944

Page 1: Draftees depart; Johnston on draft; residents warned of California investigators; co-op to close Thursday P.M.; seasonal contract to expire upon induction; boy fatally hurt by truck; schedule.

Page 2: Relocation calendar; now showing; Buddhist notes; RFCC notes; music appreciation group to meet; outside jobs; church services.

Page 3: Sports.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #5: July 8, 1944

Page 1: Army insurance; counsel rep to visit center; induction Mon., physical Tue.; the carnival daze is over; new families to transfer.

Disloyal Japanese lose citizenship.

Page 2: Once Overs; Now Showing; steel company to recruit workers; relocation calendar; Seabrook Farm workers happy; vital statistics.

Page 3: Property head to be in camp; meeting for summer school students set; baby cup winner; interviews for new freshmen; Once overs; canrnival daze cont; prize winners; apt. transfer; men wanted.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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