Rohwer Outpost Volume 5, #46-50

Volume 5 #46: Dec. 2, 1944

Page 1: Memorial service soon; induction for sixteen more; bond drive begins; leaves center for California; parents learn of son's death; comm. council minutes; slate contest for children.

Page 2: Once Overs; now showing; guests; prevues; Red Cross mail; relocation calendar; co-op enterprise notes.

Page 3: Shelby topic of YBA sermon; evacuee property; RFCC notes; koyasan betsuin donations asked; junior matrons will meet; church services.

Page 4: Library notes; sports; Red Cross cont.; once overs cont; property cont.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #47: Dec. 6, 1944

Page 1: McGowan head procurement office; Rohwer casualties; senior hi co-ed queen contest nears climax; sign-ups for checker bout; jr.-sr. high PTAS hold party.

Page 2: Once Overs; now showing; guests; relocation calendar; vital statistics.

Page 3: To present educational films; two enroll in institute of supervisory improvement; lumberjacking district plan; V-mail to YBA; happiness hour program slated; once overs cont; CA notes.

Page 4: Sports; comic strip.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #48: Dec. 9, 1944

Page 1: Mrs. Norman Kobayashi tells opinion of California trip; USO open to servicemen in visit to center; new worker welfare secretary; YWCA sale; community council minutes.

Page 2: Once Overs; terminal to hire 20 men; relocation calendar; guests; Red Cross mail; vital statistics.

Page 3: Universal Bible Sunday is set; Bussei to observe bodhi-day; Yule program for centerites; mail box; co-op notes; once overs cont; East-West PTAs to have joint meeting; church services.

Page 4: Story of Nisei given Racine girls; movie prevues; now showing; social notes; sports; community council cont.; cartoon strip.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #49: Dec. 13, 1944

Page 1: Bankson on routine visit; workers to aid in emergencies; candy for children; wants information on Nisei serving in Army; report death of Sgt. in France; Christmas program plan set; benefit show; shortage of aides closes hospital ward.

Page 2: Once Overs; guests; gala sports formal on tap; holiday travel rules released; now showing; relocation calendar; vital statistics.

Page 3: Hi school Yule hop on tap; committee to give services to New York City newcomers; holiday fire hazards; council reloc. comm. named; RFCC Sunday schools to have yuletide programs; CA notes; parcel memo; Red Cross mail.

Page 4: Sports; Red Cross donates funds for 1000 lbs. of peanuts; gifts showered from 85 groups; teen-age canteen gets Red Cross assistance; evacuee head here on visit; Shelby gifts.

Pages 4-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #50: Dec. 16, 1944

Page 1: Second memorial service; benefit show; social-supper for soldiers; Engei Kai offering shibai for new year; clarifies hospital announcement; mochi gome on way; xmas social.

Page 2: Gift committee reports donation of 3000 gifts; now showing; guests; national junior honor society holds induction; co-op notes; block prints now on exhibit; analyist from Washington visits; movie prevues; vital statistics.

Page 3: Once Overs; plan opening of Pittsburgh WRA office; RFCC to have chaplain Aki; Shelby chaplain at YBA service; church services.

Page 4: Sports; cartoon strip.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 5 Special: Dec. 20, 1944

Page 1: Statement on Army team.

Page 2: In Japanese.

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