Rohwer Outpost Volume 6, #41-45

Volume 6 #41: May 16, 1945

Page 1: Plan Memorial Day services; urge Issei register for English class; Army board holds hearings; Fujino cautions all relocatees; more welfare meetings held; Crusaders will sponsor benefit movies; baccalaureate service to be held Sunday.

Page 2: Once Overs; relocation calendar; guests; CA movies; Dr, Uchida leaves parting message; children's movies to be shown in aud.; social service workers wanted; vital statistics.

Page 3: Local church news; USO news; housing for evacuee war workers; wartime working hours reduced; senior prom Friday; initiate Koboda in Wash. lodge.

Page 4: Once overs cont; sports; open hostel in Seattle.v

Some oppose prejudice.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #42: May 19, 1945

Page 1: Availability of car will determine dates hereafter; 7 more berths available on special Pullman; new discussion series to begin on housing; 104 seniors will receive diplomas; baccalaureate program.

Page 2: Guests; relocation calendar; once overs; Knights, resume express thanks; movie prevues; Red Cross mail.

Page 3: Graduates cont; USO; Fresno emergency hostel; marriage; church schedule.

Page 4: Graduates cont; once overs cont; farm hand needed in Elizabeth, N.J; YBA to hold outdoor service; employment offers; co-op news; two domestic workers wanted.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #43: May 23, 1945

Page 1: To hold commencement Friday; graduation program; Tanaka promoted on battlefield; register all cars, trucks immediately; appeal for nurses' aides at hospital.

Page 2: Guests; relocation calendar; once overs; CA movies; thanks from USO; PTA to entertain; to hold memorials; vital statistics.

Page 3: Stamp club to meet; YBA to honor parents; Allison spikes Pullman rumor; Father Ryan returns; new councilmen; WRA sets closing date for school; transportation to Megehee available for servicemen; to hold ninth-grade promotion.

Page 4: Sports; paintings by Okubo on exhibit in San Francisco; Nisei youth makes good in Omaha; once overs cont.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #44

This issue is not available.

Volume 6 #45: May 30, 1945

Page 1: Cleanup week begins Monday; special cars ready to go tonight, tomorrow; social security rep. will be in Megehee; veteran's guide available at CA; hospital workers will entertain; engei-kai will sponsor kabuiki; report all rash to clinic.

Page 2: Once Overs; guests; relocation calendar; vital statistics.

Page 3: Girls enjoy trip to Robinson; hi-lites of Little Rock; CA movie; to begin classes in power sewing here; YBA services; Rev. Okohira conducts study; seven to report for active duty; children's movie; Seventh-Day Adventists service.

Page 4: Sports; Kansas City domestic work for couple here; print songs for relocatees; need men for logging; may lease or buy hotel property in Stockton; once overs cont.; relocation calendar cont.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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