Topaz Times, Volume 2, Issues 36-40

Volume 2 #36: Feb. 12, 1943

Page 1: Get replies to war dept. about three questions; mass registration schedule prepared; 800 attend mass meeting.

Page 2: Distribution of October clothing allowance begun; instructions released on internee mail; bean sprouts; talented Topazans perform before 300 at Hinckley HIgh; fire chief Owen appointed to additional post; importance of resident I.D. cards stressed; News Briefs column.

Page 3: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #37: Feb. 13, 1943

Page 1: Co-op elections scheduled; WRA field offices for employment organized; vital statistics; soldiers on leave.

Page 2: Editorial; history of Utah part V, cont. from last week.

Page 3: San Francisco office of NSRC moves to east; Californian joins teaching staff; symposium on resettlement to be held; Topaz schools dedicated; student officers elected; history of Utah; church services schedule.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5: Women's Mirror column; food fancies column.

Page 6: Jankee cartoon.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #38: Feb. 15, 1943

Page 1: Registration proceeds; Internal Revenue official due here; resident committee forwards resolution to Congress.

First part of resolution.

Page 2: Topaz seamen may apply for Great Lakes work; relocation not compulsory; news briefs; credits assured local students.

The rest of the resolution.

Pages 3,4: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #39: Feb. 16, 1943

Page 1: Registration of blocks 5 and 12 tomorrow; residents, not war dept., hold answers, says Myer; 7425 volunteer from Hawaii; question 27 clarified; no more home registration; Baba appoints advisory board.

Page 2: W.P.B. gives approval on construction projects; draft advisory board formed; coast evacuees may dispose of stored vehicles; report any loss of govt. checks; news briefs; to manufacture soy bean cakes for Topaz; city to have no meat on 2 days each week; discussion set for tomorrow.

Pages 3,4: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #40: Feb. 17, 1943

Page 1: Registration hall swamped by residents; work on high school auditorium to begin; message on loyalty sent Dillon Myer; block workers to clarify forms and questions; Ernst letter to serve as official notice to register.

Page 2: Letter article continued; WRA assumes resident property responsibility; residents swamp block article continued; loyalty message article continued; winners in 5th advanced bridge tournament.

Pages 3,4: In Japanese.

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