Topaz Times, Volume 2, Issues 41-45

Volume 2 #41: Feb. 18, 1943

Page 1: DH1 jammed by crowds of registrants; non-citizens may be able to enlist; high school grounds to be broken; needlecraft schools hold open house; popular former San Franciscan now Army major; student group to meet Friday.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #42: Feb. 19, 1943

Page 1: War Department answers resolution; registration; registration continues to be heavy; war dept. reveals reasons for forming separate combat team.

Page 2: School ground breaking scheduled; state reasons for forming separate unit, from page 1; Dr. J.F. Embree praises city's civic interest; band to aid in bond drive; business class postponed; adult classes to hold exercises.

Volume 2 #43: Feb. 20, 1943

Page 1: Around the Circuit column; specifications for high school given; Utsumi scores in bridge play; births; soldiers on leave.

Page 2: History of Utah, part VI; editorial.

Page 3: History of Utah continued; women to take place of men mess workers; Yabe originates new slam bid; Topaz public library.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5: Women's Mirror column; To the (Wo)men column; domestic teamwork.

Page 6: Three plays featured by Thespians; researchers to meet; principal of high school assumes duties; grade schools organize council; craft classes announce program; semester program to be installed; flower making classes open; report cards to be issued; nursery center opened Monday.

Page 7: Conference to sponsor symposium; Reflections column; evening group gives schedule; F.O.R. group meets Monday; schedule for the churches; sentence sermons.

Christians protest prejudice.

Page 8: Jankee cartoon.

Pages 9 and 10: In Japanese.

Page 11: In Japanese except at bottom where it has English lessons as in below:

Page 12: In English, an Americanization Supplement, about Valley Forge and War and Peace.

Volume 2 #44 February 22, 1943

Page 1: Editorial: Courage and sacrifice; registration hits two-thirds mark; school ground breaking held before public; British labor leader in city on brief visit; acclaim adult education to be succesful; church.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Volume 2: #45 February 23, 1943

Page 1: School ground broken before hundreds; number of blocks 100% in current registration; award to be presented by sewing school; party given to departing Times staff member; news briefs.

Page 2: In Japanese.

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