Topaz Times, Volume 3, Issues 26-30

Volume 3 #26: May 27, 1943

Page 1: Turkey pickers needed at once; Topaz labor shortage discussed in meeting; prize entries; WRA not wage-fixing entity; checks ready at city pay booth; PTA postponement; 400 strawberry pickers wanted; local Red Cross fund triples planned quota.

Page 2: Topaz Personalities; Desert Echoes.

Page 3: Job openings; right of citizenship for Nisei affirmed; Canada property liquidation set; Brownie troops to meet Saturday; dance to aid in financing yearbook; WRA issues new rules for making arrests; warrant needed.

Page 4: Reorganization of welfare department completed; leaves; Simmon's join Topaz faculty; junior prom held; soldiers on leave; library notes; '42 grads meet.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #27: May 29, 1943

Page 1: Air conditioning program started; family style service to be inaugurated in dining halls; Topaz dentist now lieutenant; News Briefs; in appreciation; AG. to work 24-hour day; births & deaths; Dies committee probers in city.

Page 2: Around the Circuit; The Mailbox.

Page 3: Job openings; 7-pig litter is saved by woman; Delta store donates elms; Lamb to lecture on child study; Topaz artists given awards; special service for relocators rendered; last bridge meet.

Page 4: Reserves slate second pie sale; faiths to participate in memorial service; Buddhist group visits project; Christian reflections; YBA meet planned; schedule for the church.

Page 5: Women's Mirror; Nan-chu says.

Page 6: Sports.

Page 7: Chicago living cost analysis given.

Page 8: Last Lil' Neebo cartoon.

Pages 9-13: In Japanese.

Page 14: Americans whom Americans revere: John Marshall.

Volume 3 #28: June 1, 1943

Page 1: Job advisory agents slated; ruling bans NYA courses for Japanese Americans; first prize won by Topaz boar in Delta show; shoe certificates will expire soon; News Briefs; expanded AG program made necessary by budget cut.

Page 2: The Mailbox; Desert Echoes.

Page 3: Job openings; AG division slates plans for more food production; workers leave for Cedar City; rejectees to get job aids; 'Road to Zanzabar' new film; new internal security rulings announced.

Page 4: Entertainment featured for June PTA meeting; library; to auction student-made furniture; residents may buy yearbooks; 101 listed on high school honor roll; book of Romans to be discussed.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #29: June 3, 1943

vPage 1: Need for farm workers acute; residents will vote on constitutional amendments; AG vocational courses open; attention job seekers; News Briefs; foreman training classes instituted for residents; draft registrar issues warnings.

Page 2: Topaz Personalities; Desert Echoes.

Page 3: Job openings; dust control treatment of center's land area slated; jeep saves horse; center to use Fillmore jail; lumber loaders; commissions for volunteers not likely.

Page 4: Students complete onion planting; Leaves; junior mechanics groups organized; soldiers on leave; public library; teachers meet; 33 make honor roll.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #30: June 5, 1943

Page 1: Repatriates may go soon; civic betterment group named to uplift morale; 2 plays slated by girls club; new hospital heads arrive; aid given to NYA students; P.W. gives badges; move proceeds to be donated.

Page 2: Editorials; Around the Circuit.

Page 3: Public library; second Lamb talk slated; Dr. Chapman visits city; national YWCA head to arrive; church council election held; schedule for the churches.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5: Women's Mirror; Dis and Data.

Pages 6-9: In Japanese.

Page 10: Americans whom Americans revere: Andrew Jackson; Song of Topaz.

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