Topaz Times, Volume 4, Issues 36-39

Volume 4 #36: Sept. 23, 1943

Page 1: Room changes frozen until mid-October; 519 Tuleans expected to reach here tonight; 2nd group to leave Friday; farm exhibit set in delta; Nutall, Robertson receive confirmation of promotions; reception held for newcomers; departee's mail.

Page 2: Desert Echoes; editorial.

Page 3: Food harvest in full swing; changes in transfer procedures being told; train monitor chosen; 50 men needed in Spanish work; NY USES requires birth certificates; departees' group aid in transfer; block managers, councilmen co-operate with newcomers.

Page 4: Leaves; no Japanese can return to Pacific Coast; revised clinic hours released; soldiers on leave; students make tags; names of arrivals are revealed by housing department.

Page 5: Names continued.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #37: Sept. 25, 1943

Page 1: 489 Topazans leave Friday for Tule trek; 2nd Tulean contingent arrives off schedule; McWilliams to visit today; reception planned for new residents; new WRA office; new students asked to enroll; Ebiharas, largest family to leave, plan to relocate in Ohio.

Page 2: Around the Circuit; editorial.

Page 3: NHA to give housing aid; school faculty additions made; youth group to speak at Wasatch; engagement; YP choir makes location change; Chicagoans visit; workers needed; church services; Kansas city.

Page 4: Women's Mirror; To The Women.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #38: Sept. 28, 1943

Page 1: Volunteers aid harvesting of project crops; in gratitude; 3rd group to arrive at 6 P.M.; co-op stores to close Thursday; 476 in final Topaz contingent; water mains repair sought; beet workers needed.

Page 2: Job openings; McWilliams plans book on evacuee problems; train monitor named; new JACL office head; block managers, councilmen will assist new residents.

Page 3: 10 civil service jobs available; library hours; 34 enroll in Eastern schools; weddings; school remodeling almost complete; births; names of third Tule group revealed.

Page 4: Names cont.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #39: Sept. 30, 1943

Page 1: 476 in last movement to Tule Lake; last contingent of 529 Tuleans to arrive Friday; Topaz ranks 3rd in relocation; center's fire losses below national average; Nichols to leave for Washington.

Page 2: Vocational study open at Omaha; board activity defined to remove misconceptions; wedding; Nisei soldiers guard Germans; future chefs; Lee promoted to Washington post; beet workers needed.

Pages 3-5: In Japanese.

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