Topaz Times, Volume 5, Issues 26-30

Volume 5 #26: Dec. 2, 1943

Page 1: Auditorium to be completed this month; conservation program to be initiated here; Lamb accepts Portland job; drivers' course opens Monday; recruiters from Savage due soon; block 38 fire; Yoshioka to be inducted; rites set for Takai.

Page 2: CCC buildings arrive here from Callio; co-op orders holiday items; job openings; yearbook staff to give show; foreman training now in practice; relocation forum to feature films; G.S. fix popcorn; wedding.

Page 3: Sports.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #27: Dec. 4, 1943

Page 1: December 14 set as council election date; Lafabregue is personnel officer; warnings siren; record concert Sunday feature; Hughes, Niesse go to Denver; root cellar digging starts; educators' conference to open here.

Page 2: The Mail Box; Around the Circuit.

Page 3: TB tests given; group urges restoration of Tule control to WRA; relocated persons may get grants; 3 new teachers join faculty; music school slates party; Lewis returns from Tule Lake; Yoshioka to leave; Gripsholm reaches New York harbor; Lay committee meet; births/deaths.

Page 4: Women's Mirror; Dis n Data; Dear Diary.

Page 5: Population shield revised; P.O. accepts mail to Tule.

Page 6: Dietary experiments made in 4 kitchens; school bazaar proves success; leaves; 3000 books to be given away; young people urged to join choir; visiting soldiers; church services; Rev. Kodaira to be feted at luncheon.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #28: Dec. 7, 1943

Page 1: Pipeline work on Jasper Avenue to start soon; Utah educators to open meet here tomorrow; signal corps wants 75 Nisei; volunteers now put in reserves; Hubbard hurt in trencher mishap; Army calls two Topaz enlistees; CES to co-ordinate Christmas program; Buddhists to hold Bodhi day service.

Page 2: NSRC meeting to decide on reduction of work; council lists new committees; Savage recruiter coming Dec. 15; Red Cross fills vacant offices; project to get Christmas trees; drivers' training films shown class.

Page 3: Egg production to increase; president orders no discrimination policy; marriage; eye specialist treats patients; open house set by pre-schools; students plan second forum; Cleveland library services open to evacuees in area.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #29: Dec. 9, 1943

Page 1: Farm program for 1944 set; meetings slated tonight to name council nominees; residents assume charge of gifts; lay committees assign rec halls; J.A.C.D. sells 3000 of Grew's books; 25 school administrators meet in center; relocation forum.


Page 2: Dedication program for new auditorium planned; Carter takes over as aide on relocation; SDA group to hold 2 meets; party held at farm kitchen; lab technician joins hospital personnel; Henry Ford has 100 jobs open; teacher leaves.

Gila youth shot.

Page 3: Sports.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #30: Dec. 11, 1943

Page 1: Keep warm to avoid flu; candidates for council named at block meetings; dedication postponed; Private Hidoka killed in Italy; council bans bingo games; Tule vegetables sent to project.

Page 2: Relocation meet urged by Heart Mountain body; residents assured that packages not inspected; record concert will feature Bolero; more block shoppers may go to Delta for special holiday shopping trips; sports; complete list of candidates revealed below.

Page 3: Around the Circuit; student meet draws crowd; leaves; Reverend wants farm families; G.R. to hold Xmas party; soldiers on leave; church services.

Page 4: Women's Mirror; To The (Wo)men; Dear Diary.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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