Topaz Times, Volume 6, Issues 16-20

Volume 6 #16: Feb. 10, 1944

Page 1: List of draft ineligible men received here; community conference begins tomorrow night; state delegates to attend PTA meet; relocation information team draws crowds at four centers; conference open to all groups.

Page 2: Colorado calls meet to stop alien land buying; draft age Nisei may appeal for reconsideration; Dr. Chapman here to aid evacuees; bids for valentine dance still on sale; relocation team cont; community conclave sked given.

Page 3: Sports.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #17: Feb. 12, 1944

Page 1: Administrative changes to be made temporarily; relocation team arrives; information tomorrow; March of Dimes; Japanese should join larger groups to be effective; parties honoring Hughes given.

Page 2: The Mail Box; Keeping Posted.

Page 3: Draft questions sent to Myer.

Page 4: Draft clarifications made.

Page 5: More answers to induction cont; Myer sends instructions to Nisei of draft age; Red Cross heads are announced; schedule for relocation team meetings; church schedule.

Pages 6-9: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #18: Feb. 15, 1944

Page 1: 35 Nisei youths acceptable for draft; story of relocation to East states to be told; 700 attend PTA meeting; valentine dance; residents give #388 to evacuee hospital workers for services.

Page 2: Turn in government tools for reassignment; YMCA to work in Philippines; leaves; Oriental seeds needed urgently; Perkins named principal's aide; soldiers on leave; Shirrell resigns to take new job.

Page 3: Sports.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #19: Feb. 17, 1944

Page 1: WRA under Ickes; President signs transfer; 2000 residents attend 2-day relocation meets; relocation forum tonight; Cornwall to leave Sunday; educational conclave slated in Topaz.

Page 2: Draft quotas, penalties revealed.

Page 3: 1761 persons depart on indefinites; candy company to recruit men; licenses denied Nisei in S.L.C.; leave office issues advice to departees; sports.

Pages 4, 5: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #20: Feb. 19, 1944

Page 1: Harold Fistere to supervise NY area office; secretary Ickes; Secretary Ickes, Myer comment on WRA shift; relocation follow-up team is here with Eastern job offers; new pay station hours to start.

Page 2: The Mail Box; Keeping Posted.

Page 3: Induction steps related by Fillmore draft board; Around the Circuit; Washington WRA answers moot selective service questions.

Page 4: Library to exhibit January 1944 graduates' surveys; Ickes statement cont; marriage; Palmer visits Ogden; church services.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

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