Topaz Times, Volume 9, Issues 6-10

Volume 9 #6: Oct. 21, 1944

Page 1: Unauthorized construction ban to be enforced; U.S. att'y checks alien travelers; accident victims found guilty; fishing season in this area to close Oct. 31.

Page 2: Fire prevention; Farm Notes; no discrimination in Army, says veteran of Italian front; AG section needs 28 men.

Page 3: Sports.

Page 4: First family to try new CFR plan to leave soon; Y.P. fellowship to hold meeting; block 30 club donates to SSAF; classroom for wedding remodeled; Washington approves lapidary course; church services.

Pages 5-9: In Japanese.

Volume 9 #7: Oct. 25, 1944

Page 1: Overtime pay for April, May, June due here soon; health program; Tashiros leave for Sioux depot.

Page 2: Relocators in distress aided; Gila youngsters help Navy fliers, build model enemy ships; pamphlet tells about New York in Japanese.

Page 3: Leaves; B and P members plan social; Seabrook farm described by visiting recruiters; internal security holds lost items; relocators may apply for shipment of personal property; 30 Issei, Nisei honored by firm.

Page 4: Dine and Dance at Ciro's; Around the Circuit; Rev. Hunt to hold ceremony; Scouts to sponsor Halloween social; social news; soldiers on leave; credit union office moved.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 9 #8: Oct. 28, 1944

Page 1: Pay checks for Sept. delayed in Salt Lake; new work, meal hours to start here; 22 men called for active duty; Seabrook offers transportation; exercise class for men to open; scholarship aid fund gives $100 grants to six students.

Page 2: Internal institutes to cooperate with WRA; Our Future; carpenter job and others open in Sioux depot; new hours cont.

Page 3: Leaves; hog cholera breaks out, preventative action taken; social news; helper cafe needs 5 women workers; all girls invited to B and P social; 7 states open for trial ind. leave; Noble to speak.

Page 4: Around the Circuit; Two to address church groups; social worker to visit; YPFC, YBA Halloween social slated; church schedule; morning watch speaker named; soldiers on leave.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Calendar.

Pages 7-11: In Japanese.

Volume 9 #9: Nov. 1, 1944

Page 1: Art school plans autumn exhibit; re-allocation of center manpower recommended; new gate house completion soon; hogs vaccinated against cholera; free notary service provided residents.

Korematsu, Endo cases.

Page 2: 'Annie Rooney' movie to be sponsored by SSAF; Harding arrives from Washington; evacuees denied vote in Wyoming; manpower cont.

Page 3: Diet kitchen opens, more workers needed; sports; Bodine to visit Topaz; 90% of combat team cited; Cleveland fire; 35 attend B and P Halloween party; Nisei couple receives warm reception from Mrs. Roosevelt.

Pages 4-7: In Japanese.

Volume 9 #10: Nov. 4, 1944

Page 1: Pay checks for September available now; art school opens autumn exhibit; tea to honor Mrs. Watson; relo office to move; Miss Coxhead to help exacuees; 3210 residents relocated; public library to be closed evenings.

Draft evaders.

Page 2: Letters from G.I.s; Our Future.

Page 3: Two permits to return to coast issued at Poston; Calif. refuses to sound out return of evacuees; Topazans attain college records; schools to observe national education week; education for understanding.

Page 4: Around the Circuit; airplane stamp #3 effective; college students cont; tailoring class to hold registration; fellowship circle to hold meeting; soldiers on leave; church services.

Vandals damage cemetery.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-10: In Japanese.

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