Topaz Times, Volume 11, Issues 6-10

Volume 11 #6: April 20, 1945

Page 1: Camp closing rumor spiked; relocators may apply for special train cars; Washington answers conference points; Delta bus sked; typing class; more may enroll for auto class.


Page 2: Army describes bamboo industry in Louisiana; Jr. clerk tests passed by all persons here; flower classes to end; vacant apartments; residents enrolled in adult vocational classes total 2523; co-op movie.

Page 3: Terminal departures; local Red Cross plan free educational show; social news; passes required for camp hikers; new accountant; births; Berkeley family needs school girl; church schedule.

Pages 4-7: In Japanese.

Volume 11 #7: April 24, 1945

Page 1: Paper drive; Sgt. Sagimori, Pvt. Ikeda killed on Italian front; six soldiers of Topaz families are reported wounded in action; issuing of ration stamps explained; business girls to hear Niesse speak on civil service ratings.

Page 2: Japanese foodstuffs available in Bay area; Simmons takes post as relo officer in S.F.; three hostels now operating in L.A.; most evacuees enjoy welcome upon return; one thousand evacuees wanted on Arkansas vegetable farm; shorthand class to meet.

Page 3: Hostel to open in Boston for evacuees; Nisei veteran resigns from California Legion post; social news; resettlement opportunities in Great Lakes area; Issei woman needed by Berkeley family; committees aid return of Japanese.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 11 #8: April 27, 1945

Page 1: Three Auburn men freed of arson charges; dining halls 7, 8, 41 to cease operations; Army calls set; WRA makes no concessions on important recommendations; bus sked.

Page 2: ACLU seeks test case of certain loyal excludees from West Coast; Around the Circuit; janitors wanted; co-op movie; San Francisco peace security meet is theme of h.s. assembly.

Page 3: Terminal Departures; confab may influence California on evacuee issue; Spring informal slated tonight; Braun to address YP service; notice give to file bank claims; priest aids Nisei soldiers in Italy; church schedule.

Pages 4, 5: In Japanese.

Volume 11 #9: May 1, 1945

Page 1: Regular work on V-E day; Nakayama dies in Italy; more may apply for special cars; Tooele has clerk, steno, typist jobs.

A shooting.

Page 2: Social news; families of servicemen to be aided by Red Cross; 6-month report of hostel given; waiters, waitresses needed by hotel; month notice to hostel asked; committee in Cleveland opens office to help resettlers; exhibit to be sponsored by Topaz art school.

Page 3: Evacuees' return to coast okayed by Oregon CIO; GI's ask aid for relatives; Pullman request must be definite; Hanson reported relocation office of Wisconsin district; hostel director wanted in Wash.; Nisei girls needed by NY dressmaker.

Home attack.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 11 #10: May 4, 1945

Page 1: Clean-up day for center; merging of relocation, welfare offices revealed; movie to be shown tonight; three dining halls to close; art exhibit; Nisei soldiers of 442nd infantry make sensational gains in Italy.

Page 2: Recital to be presented by music school; editorial; social news; co-op movie; depts. to merge cont; soldiers on leave.

Page 3: Terminal Departures; children must be cautioned; Zimmerman to answer questions on Midwest; USO open house; church services.

Page 4: May calendar.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

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