Hello Morning 6-18-2000 Show #11

The Hello song but this time with a different arrangement of the singers.

The T&C Bomber ballet section.

Back to the talk show portion with Goto Maki as MC.

Birthday notice for Nozomi.

Birthday notice for Nakazawa Yuko.

Their guest star. (And they are still using non-Hello Project music in the background.)

T&C Bomber again giving instructions, this time on dance moves. It's another chance to see just how terribly complex some of these moves are.

An ad for a collection of their videos.

Some kind of a contest, but I'm not sure what the point is exactly, although it might be to use the prop and strike a cute pose.

Then to more talking with the guest.

Giving a foot massage to the guest star and others.

I'm pretty much lost on this one.

Another mention of their video collection.

Then back to more of the “case study” thing. It seems that it might be some kind of situation is discussed, and then the reactions that the members have which are judged on a basis of how romantic they are (perhaps).

A commercial.

Back for the closing of the episode.

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