Hello Morning 08-07-2005 Show #271

The program opens up with V-u-den’s song Hitorijime (“All to Myself”).

Matsuura Aya’s new CM promoting CMs in general.

Nakazawa, Kago and Reina are together for a Kamakura gourmet tour.

The first place they’re going to eat.

One of the things has hot chili sauce in it and they have no idea which one.

The guy is the one who gets the dumpling that has the hot sauce in it.

The next place they stop.

Natto, fermented beans, which has a very distinctive smell and is like by some and strongly disliked by many. The three girls seem to like it.

I think this is some kind of desert.

This is someone named Dr. Copa who is a feng shui expert. He works with them on the proper arrangement of furniture in the studio.

C-ute’s kayaking adventure.

The girls are taught how to paddle a kayak and one by one are launched into the river to try their luck.

HP goods salesperson Kamezou. The Hello Pro News segment was much better done, in my opinion.

More of my own opinion here. The new shows are, at least to me, significantly different from the earlier ones and not in necessarily a good way. The shows seem to be done in a more mature fashion, going in part almost back to the way the shows started which was a semi-talk show format. There’s a lot less silliness, a lot less fun, again in my opinion, then how the shows had been done.

This can represent the different makeup of the group itself or it might be a conscious undertaking by the producers of the show, but I think it’s moving the show in the wrong direction. It shouldn’t be a really serious show; it should be a fun, “feel good” type of show.

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