My Story, Seiko Live ‘97

1. Opening: A hint at just how complex the set is.

2. So Much in Love: First off, the production number is incredibly impressive. Second, Seiko Matsuda comes across as a Japanese form of Madonna in the best sense possible. The song itself is great, her voice is wonderful, and the actual performance is electrifying. Incredibly excellent song.

3. Another really, really good song and peformance, both.

4. Friend: Another very good song.

5. Sing: She's changed outfits for this song. (Both outfits, though, look like they would be awfully hot to wear while performing.) A slow and really nice song.

6. Let's Talk About It: Another relatively slow-paced song, quite good. The ending is sort of overly long but it was necessary for a scene change on stage.

7. Projected onto a screen, this video shows Seiko Matsuda in an absolutely stunning dress. It's a slightly slow song, sung perfectly and beautifully.

8. There was a massive set change during song 7. A slow song and an incredibly beautiful one, one of the best songs I have ever heard her do. At the end of the song she talks to the audience for a brief time.

9. Another relatively slow but very nice song.

10. Sort of a soft jazz-type of song, very well done.

11. Another soft and really good song.

12. An incredibly cute lolita fashion outfit and a cute song, both.

13. Hit medley: Short portions of some of her hit songs.

14. A slightly faster paced song than some of the previous ones and yet another really good song.

15. A really nice song and a really terrible outfit.

16. Someone threw a small teddy bear up on the stage and she picked it up and held it during the last song. The song itself was, as all the rest, really, really good.

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