Monster High: Electrified

The video starts out with Draculaura going over the founding of Monster High. (In my opinion the artwork is very inferior to the original artwork on the series.)

Then she talks about the Ghoul Squad and their teleporter.

Couldn't they even draw a round moon?

They rescue another werewolf.

The title then appears.

The problem starts with Frankie saying she's developing a storage battery that is ultra-good and the normies will like it. This ghoul is obviously angry with normies and wanders why Frnakie would do anything that would benefit them.

Apparently this all takes place only a few months after the founding of the school.

This is Twila. She's the daughter of the boogey-man and apparently isn't liked very much so she tends to stay away from others. They take her to hear Ari sing but Twila sneaks away. Two of the guys and three of the girls decide to start their own band.

Dracula is teaching his class on humanology. Clawdeen isn't paying attention so he naturally calls on her to answer a question. He talks about humans being afraid of spiders and afraid of the dark. Moanica and her two zombie thugs walk out of the class.

She picks up more thugs and upsets more classes. Moanica is unlike most of the others that can seem bad. Toralei, for example, scan be nasty but Moanica seems to be pretty much all bad.

Frankie is class president. (Since when? Also, wasn't Draculaura the one in Adventures of the Ghoul Squad that brought the ghouls together in the first place? Also, couldn't that be considered favoritism since Dracula is her father? )

Clawdeen says her dream is to open a salon for both humans and monsters. The girls decide to open a salon right away in an abandoned power station. (OK. There's something majorly wrong here. The whole thing in the various episodes has been to stay away from humans, that humans are not ready for contact with monsters. Considering that, wouldn't it have been the next logical step in their idea to get permission from Dracula, since he's the head of the school? I'm pretty sure he would have said that the risks were too high and to wait on their idea until sometime (if ever) when the humans were more accepting of monsters?)

Clawdeen will take over building the salon. Meanwhile Clawdeen is having a lot of trouble coming up with fashion ideas. (Probably because before she was doing it for fun but now it's something she's basically required to do. The pressure is a lot more that way.)

Howleen's mother talks to her and says she has to believe in herself. Meanwhile Monica and her thugs are up to something.

So, Twila finds out that Moanica and her group are doing something underground. Does she go tell Dracula, the guy responsible for running the school? Nope. She decides to check it out herself. This movie is getting more unrealistic by the minute. You know right off she's going to get caught.

Meanwhile some of the band members are having an argument about what they should name the band.

Something's wrong with Frankie. She's overcharged.

Somehow she creates a tiny monster. It turns out Monica's got a Monica-cave underneath the power station and she plans to steal energy. I'm assuming this is to make sure the salon fails. Wouldn't it have been much easier for her to first go to Dracula and tell him what the girls were up to without having gotten his permission first?

As normal dumb villains do she goes over her entire plan with Twila. It involves overloading all the electrical lines so they all short out making it dark in the town. Then she and her zombie thugs will go out and scare the normies.

Her first attempt doesn't exactly work. Meanwhile the band has finally settled on a name (ridiculous) so now they are arguing about what kind of music they will play. Moanica lets Twila loose and Twila tells Frankie what is going on.

So, let's see. Major villain? Check. Villainous plan? Check. Setting relations with normies back so far the school could get nuked? Check. Tell Dracula so he can figure out exactly what to do, kick the zomboys and Moanica out of the school and destroy the thing shes built? Forget it. No way. This is by far the worst of all the DVDs and episodes.

And another thing just popped into my head. So, let's see. The girls are running the salon. There's lots of people that are there. Let's assume things would stay that way. Then how are the girls going to have time to do any studying much less attend class? Did the people who wrote the script have absolutely no concept of even elementary logic? Suspension of disbelief can be okay but this is taking that to unacceptable extremes.

Moanica launches her plan. Meanwhile the band is ready to play. They have all of one person (Gob) in the audience. They realize they forget one tiny little thing. They never practiced any songs.

The zomboys start their attack.

The girls are ready to stop Moanica. They also have loads of the snaps (the little yellow Pokemon-like thing that Frankie created earlier.)

The girls and the snaps save the day. So the punishment for the others? They are still allowed at school???? Clean up the place??? These idiots could have totally destroyed any chance of any kind of normality between humans and monsters and all they are punished with is clean-up detail?

Come on writers. What this group did was probably worse than all the other problem monsters put together in all the episodes and DVDs. They absolutely should have been expelled from the school forever. They also should have been banished to someplace where they could never escape or bother humans or monsters again.

The humans show up at the school. They thought everything that happened was part of the show so the salon will be getting a grand re-opening after all.

Finally, it's over!

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