Welcome to Monster High:The Origin Story

I'm going to judge this movie on two different things. One is the story. I haven't watched it yet so I can't comment on that. The other is the artwork. I've seen a trailer and I have seen the front of the box.

I really don't like the artwork. I think it is without doubt the worst artwork ever for Monster High and I cannot understand why there has been such a change from the 'classic' artwork of every single thing Monster High-related that has gone before.

Taking a look at the next film, Monster High Electrified, the artwork has changed yet again. It is still not as good as the 'classic' look.

The box also has a thing for getting a digital HD version of the movie. I tried that. After over half an hour trying to fight all the password requirements, things going to pages I didn't want them to go to and finally being totally unable to get the download to work I just plain quit trying. Not a good omen.

It starts out with a good statement: 'normal is different for everyone.' Draculaura's father tells her that she must stay away from humans because they are so dangerous. She's having trouble learning how to change into a bat. Quite funny portion of the movie.

The main theme is that the monsters are separate not only from the humans but they seem to have little knowledge of each other. Thus, they eventually develop a plan to bring monsters together in one place apart from humans, a place which ends up as Monster High.

There's a reference to the 'great monster fright flight' where the monsters went into hiding.

Draculaura and Frankie set out to find more monsters, first finding Claudeen. There's also a Monster Web that they use to find other monsters (avoiding the regular Internet.) The next one they set out to find is Cleo. Then it's Lagoona's turn. They add more monsters (but leave Ghoulia out entirely which is, in my opinion, a major mistake. Clawd is also left out. )

Later Monica, the film's villain, enters. She plans to lead zombies in a war against humans and take over the entire world. She will run against Frankie and Draculara for student council. Things get worse quickly. A major fight breaks out trying to protect a singer that was kidnapped and her secret rocks everyone.

As usual the message carries the story making this another really good addition to the series.

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