Exploring Supernatural Phenomena

This book could serve as a textbook on the subject, it's that good. It defines everything. It points out the possible realities of various phenomena and it points out the skeptical approach in relating to that phenomena.

It covers the history of the supernatural, ghosts, psychic abilities, NDEs, miracles, cryptids, astral projection, OBEs, past life regression, reincarnation, time slips and various other supernatural-related topics.

It also discusses the supernatural in art, literature, entertainment, popular culture and other areas. It goes into the cultural and historical aspects of the supernatural. It talks about ethical considerations, paranormal evidence, paranormal photography, the same phenomena in different countries and the influences of culture on them and it points out why science does not accept the supernatural.

Which brings up the problem of belief not being the same as proof. Science is based on hard fact and the replication of experiments and observations. Science is orderly. It follows a certain series of steps starting off with a hypothesis (a guess based on reasonable evidence and thinking) then goes through experiments (which need to be duplicated with the exact same results) then on through a theory (which is then tested by other scientists who try to replicate the exact results) before it can move into the category of being a fact.

Unless something comes in later to upset the apple cart and then science has to start the whole thing all over. Challenging topics are pointed out in the book, including the multiverse theory, quantum physics, time slips, parallel realities and other things.

The book is extremely well organized, well planned out and filled with various approaches and information both pro and con in relationship to supernatural phenomena.

This is the single best book I have ever read on the subject.