All-Story Love, August 1943

1. Don't Break Your Own Heart: “Any girl is headed for heartbreak when she tries to share her heart equally with two men.”

2. Love Comes First: “Mona though that happiness was measured in terms of mink and ermine, until she fell in love.”

3. Ghost in Khaki: “There was just one thing Pam forgot to mention when she loaned her apartment to Sally-the place was haunted!”

4. With All My Love: “To Joan, writing love letters was just a way of gaining popularity in her career as a model. She didn't think that one soldier would find a way to collect the promises she made.”

5. Let's Dream Again: “The setting was perfect-a man, a moon, and music, but what good did it do Ilsa when she was disguised as a middle-aged spinster?”

6. Stand-in for Romeo: “Ulrica had to prove that she wasn't a second Mata Hari, even though she had a German name and had been educated abroad.”

7. Kiss and Run, part 2: “Theo Jordan had to fight out her romance in extra innigs. But what else can a girl expect when she is playing against a pitcher who is battling his way to a place in the big league?”

8. Hero Snatcher: “If you set a thief to catch a thief, then, Terry decided, you ought to be able to out-smart a hero snatcher if you turned hero snatcher yourself.”

There is also some poetry, a section of classified ads, and a personal ads section.

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