Famous Fantastic Mysteries, August, 1949

First off, this is an extremely sexy cover. What she is wearing is definitely see-through, and you can see her nipples. I'm sort of surprised how this cover got past the censors.

The Valley of Silent Men: “It was a nightmare place of devilish beauty-and horror, brooded over by the slow-death poison of a plant that was seeded in hell! And into its silent menace one man must go, to save its self-willed prisoners from its fatal lure...” It's a very long story.

Master of Fantasy article: Clark Ashton Smith

The Counter Charm: “The bug-eyed monster in the life of Unearthly Tales' editor was a real-life nuisance-at first. That was bad enough. But when it chased him right into the pages of his own magazine-that was very bad.!”

The Three, a poem of sorts.

Then there's a section of reader's views.

There aren't many ads at all in this magazine.

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