Planet Stories, November 1, 1939 (reprint)

This is one of the reprints from Adventure House.

1. The Golden Amazons of Venus: Bakta death, horrible beyond the weirdest fever-reams of earthmen, faced Space Ship Commander Gerry Norton. The laconic interplanetary explorer knew too much. He stood in the dynamic path of Lansa, Lord of the Scaly Ones, the craft monster bent on conquering the fair City of Larr and all the rich, shadowless lands of the glorious Amazons of Venus.

2. Expedition to Pluto: Within the Goddard's hurtling hull Captain 'Steel-Wall' McCausland, hero of the space fleets, nursed his secret plan for an Earth reborn. Reuter the scientist cuddled his treacherous test-tubes. And Air Mate Longworth grappled an unseen horror that menaced a billion lives.

3. War-Lords of the Moon: Bruce Ross, on the Earth-Moon run, asked a simple question. 'How are the stars behaving, Harry?' But Harrell Moore could only start at him in horror. For the stars had run amok-cosmic engines of destruction in the hands of the twisted genius of the Moon!

4. Cave-Dwellers of Saturn: Across Earth's radiant civilization lay the death-shot shadows of the hideous globe-headed dwarfs from Mars. One long Earth-ship dared the treachery blockade, risking the planetoid peril to find Earth's life element on mysterious Saturn of the ten terrible rings.

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