Spicy Movie Tales, March, 1936 (reprint)

1. Star of Satan: Experience is the best teacher as one Hollywood director proved to his audience.
2. Right of the Master: Who could guess that this quiet village harbored an influence that exacted bridal tributes?
3. A Slim, Gold Pencil: How could a police stenographer's legs help solve this Hollywood mystery?
4. Strip Girl: At stripping for a girl show, she was good, too-good, but Death took care of that.
5 Marcia of the Movies cartoon strip.
6. Crime in the Abbator: Blood! Not Unusual in a slaughter-house proves the undoing of a pair of criminals.
7. Tropical Take: Satan, in the Paradise Islands, finds love, tropical beauty and cannibalism.
8. Monster of the Tarn: A lust-made degenerate of the 'flicker' city attempts to create a perfect woman.
9. Terror Voyage: Black magic! The chilly finger of fear threatens disaster in the South Seas.
10. Back from the Dead: What sane motive could account for Norma Sherman's love of this live corpse?

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