Startling Stories, March 1948

The front of the mag has a sexy woman. Something has just blown up, and she looks either surprised, or happy at what happened.

The Ether Vibrates is a reader's views and editor's views sort of thing.

One of Three: “Ed Bronson, scientist of this planet, battles emissaries of two less stable worlds spawned by the atomic fissure of the first atom bomb!”

Don't Look Now: “That man beside you may be a Martian. They own our world, but only a few wise and far-seeing men like Lyman know it!”

And We Sailed the Mighty Dark: “Weird are the companions of Lucky Jim as he steers a flying coffin through outer space!”

Mistake Inside: “Hugh Tracy suddenly finds himself inside Outside—and learns that it's like a trip through Inferno to reverse the process!”

Climate-Disordered: “A hot publicity man gets a $25,000 chill”

The Penultimate Trump: “When millionaire H.D. Haworth awoke after three hundred and twenty-two years of living death he thought that the world was his oyster, but there had been some changes made!”

The brink of Infinity: “Professor Abner Aarons, mathematician, is forced to probe the supreme problem-with his life the price of failure!”

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