Startling Stories Sept. 1951

The Ether Vibrates (editorial writings, letters, reviews)

House of Many Worlds: “History turns upside down when the South wins the Civil War and Napoleon founds an empire in Mexico!” The story is about alternate Earths.

The Masquerade on Dicantropus: “Privacy, like diamonds, is where you find it-and in this unierse the two don't go together.

Yes, Sir!: “Robot XL-5 wasn't much good, but he served his purpose!”

This Way to Mars: “John Galveston Hughes, male typist in a woman-run world, upsets an interplanetary conspiracy when he plans a Martian trip.”

The White Fruit of Banaldar: “The auctioning of the five planets marked the end of one part of life, the beginning of a new, for Timothy Trench.”

The Last Story: “The ghost of Dead-Eye Dick wails through the era of perfection.”

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