Fantastic Story November 1952

The cover has some tentacles attacking the woman and the man.

Cosmic Encores: reader's comments.

Doing Something About It: factual article on weather.

The Gods Hate Kansas: “Eleven meteors from Outer Space hurtled the black gulf between the stars...and brought menace to Mankind.”

The Moebius Room: “It was more than a vicious circle-it was a vicious square.”

The Girl Next Door: “He had a lovely neighbor who came from the century after tomorrow...but she pulled down the blinds-on the future!”

It's Like This: “One week it was Shakespeare, the next a Venusian scientist, but who'd ever believe it?”

In Sheep's Clothing: “...and a little child led them...into horror!”

The Deciding Factor: “CIAVA ruled the twilight people-until Theseus came out of the night.”

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