Thrilling Love, July 1943

Love Astrology column starts off the issue.

There's another full-page ad ending in “Every civilian a fighter.” It is entitled “Would you turn your back on a wounded soldier.”

Love Reaps a Harvest: “Glamour girl Midge Talcott must make her choice between Broadway allure and the farm when she suddenly finds her heart and her conscience plunged into tumultuous conflict!”

Her Heart on a String: “Melinda Wayne didn't stop to bargain with love when she made the promise that would bring happiness to Kirke Ransome!”

Listen, Girls: A women's advice column.

Guard Duty for Love: “When Marion Day learned to keep her chin up, new hope flamed from the smouldering ashes of her broken heart!”

Women in the Air Forces factual material.

I've Put My Heart Away: “Marne said romance was out for the duration until she met a naval officer who agreed with her!”

Flash-It's Hearts: “Esme Jayne finds a beacon of true love shining brightly over the high seas in the midst of turbulent adventure and intrigue!”

Island for Two: “Janet Blair waged her own private war against Corporal Cameron-until Cupid called a truce!”

Women at War: True Stories of the Home Front factual material.

The Wind has Wings: “Storm Silver was torn by the conflict in her own heart until she found the right prescription for love!”

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