Thrilling Love, May 1943

There's a war message on an early page, ending in “Every civilian a fighter.”

Following that, there's a love astrology section.

Surprise Bride: “Stephana Keith steps in to help her reckless sister Kiki out of a jam-only to find that her own heart is in danger!”

Hidden Heart: “Lorna tries to place her career above love, but romance has a way of taking precedence without warning!”

There's a full-page ad from Frank Knox, the Secretary of the Navy, about “Your Chance to Serve: A message to every woman who wants a part in winning this war.” It's for women to join the WAVES or the SPARS.

Her Favorite Draftee: “Jill's Make-Believe engagement is a prelude to her own discovery of love's reality!”

Women at War: True Stories of the Home Front (factual)

Love Turns the Heart: “Laurie finds work for her idle hands when patriotic duty calls-and all the while true romance stands waiting, watching!”

Fifty-fifty, please: “Eloise Duncan knew how to cook but when it came to love she had to learn a new recipe!”

Is Everybody Happy? “Susan found her life re-classified the day she was drafted to meet Marcia's Naval officer!”

Listen, Girls (women's advice column, factual)

Love Can Tell: “Doubling for a glamorous movie star is just a matter of fortune for Jill-until she meets Corporal Jerry Forrest!”

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