Top Detective Annual, 1952

The Cell: “He had despoiled young girls-and his punishment was unusual!”

The Glass Guillotine: “The man who might be the next President was making drunken passes at a half-nude girl-while murder set near him, waiting!”

Four Kings and a Jack: “Johnny Sand's music was out of this world, and so was-for all time-the gambling man they said Johnny had murdered!”

The Spherical Ghoul: “Was it a ghost? Could it have been a werewolf? Or was it a human fiend...a revolting pervert?”

Jumbled Justice: “Ruby can mean a jewel of great price or a name-in this case it was a name whispered by a man dying in an alley!”

Dig Three Graves: “Ed Sullivan thought the message was a fake, until two men died and he realized that-he was to fill the third grave!”

Green-Haired Murder: “The killer's moll wore a scarf-but it didn't hide her oddly-colored tresses!”

Shark River Manhunt: “It was a country of forgotten men, and if John Cole ventured into it asking questions, he'd be both forgotten-and dead!”

No Place Like Homicide: “The question of who knocked off the bank messenger and stole the 60 grand proves a $64 puzzler to Willie Klump!”

The Psychological Approach: “Normal Manning was dressed to kill!”

Chuckles: “Sometimes it's Death that has the last laugh!”

Murder Beach: “What nameless terror roamed through the storm-lashed night, its murderous jaws seeking to close on yet another victim?”

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