All That's Wrong with the Bible: Contradictions, Absurdities and More

I will note first off that this book uses specific quotes from the Bible. He's not making this stuff up.

In the Contradictions section, he points out where specific parts disagree with their counterparts as to names, numbers, genealogies and even the Ten Commandments wording. There are also passages about specific topics that result in a yes or a no answer such as revenge, divorce and does Yahweh lie. Are you justified by works? Depends on what quote you read. The day and time of the crucifixion differs as does the accounts of just who went to the tomb and what they saw there.

Absurdities can be found where the Bible condones polygamy, slavery and genocide. It even condones the killing of innocent children as being justified. Killing homosexuals? That's okay. Burning prostitues alive? That's okay too.

Jesus cursing the fig tree? It was out of season and wasn't supposed to be producing fruit at that time. (There are numerous other examples.)

Bogus Prophecies include those that are sort of non-specific, ones that are based on very vague language (like those of Nostradamus) and ones that are 'back-dated.'

One of the things that causes all these problems is that the Bible was translated various times before it got put into English. Scribes sometimes made mistakes and sometimes changed things on purpose. (This can be proven by examining various original documents and comparing them to later translations and noting the changes that were made.)

There's a lot of other material in this book including a section on Notes. The main thing to keep in mind when reading it is that the author is not making things up; he is quoting specific passages from the Bible that disagree with each other or state things that are absurd. Then, again, facts don't mean much to people it seems any more.

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